cheers. i just wasted 6 hours of my life yesterday. cheering at the national stadium. actually i didn't cheer. i just clapped along with the claps or something. anyway, i'm still wondering how the fuck do girls manage to make high high high pitch screams again and again and again without getting a sore throat? the screams were scary. made me feel like stuffing my fists into my ears. or into their mouths.
and it rained, quite heavily. then the cheerleading fuckers didn't allow us to go take shelter. so there we stood, like a bunch of fucktards, in the middle of the rain, while some other schools went to take cover. and the cheerleading fuckers decided to cheer. i wonder what is the fucking point of cheering if there isin't anyone running. thus, we fucktards stood in the rain, cheering for some invisible runners. of course, i didn't cheer.
for all our hard work, sji finished 2nd in b division and 6th in c division. then i had to take a bus home, took one and a half hours to get back. cheers
watched vanilla sky just now. pirated cd again. fucking confusing show. managed to get most of the story down although i fast-forwarded for most of the show. didn't know that penelope cruz had a nude scene in there. it was a nice sight though. i thought she was ugly. but now i change my comments. and cameron diaz looked nice too. bleah.
in two weeks time i would be sitting for a test. actually its many tests. 6 tests to be exact. 2 on a weekday and 4(?!) on saturday. what the fuck. the test(s) are supposed to prepare us for the prelims. yay. i actually think i can pass them. because there is no maths.
the only thing i'm worried about is elective history/social studies.
i can't understand what the fuck the teacher is talking about. she is mumbling to herself and when we ask her to speak louder, she says "this is the loudest i can go, if you want to hear me, you have to shut up." cool. and she always tells us to speak up when we speak to her... wonder why she can't speak up when she talks to us. so my history/ss is fucked. hopefully i can get my act together before the exams. and the exams are going to come fast. after the test, it's going to be the prelims immediately after the september holidays. then the o's are coming in november. think i really should consider studying. and my maths is(and have always been) fucked.
and it rained, quite heavily. then the cheerleading fuckers didn't allow us to go take shelter. so there we stood, like a bunch of fucktards, in the middle of the rain, while some other schools went to take cover. and the cheerleading fuckers decided to cheer. i wonder what is the fucking point of cheering if there isin't anyone running. thus, we fucktards stood in the rain, cheering for some invisible runners. of course, i didn't cheer.
for all our hard work, sji finished 2nd in b division and 6th in c division. then i had to take a bus home, took one and a half hours to get back. cheers
watched vanilla sky just now. pirated cd again. fucking confusing show. managed to get most of the story down although i fast-forwarded for most of the show. didn't know that penelope cruz had a nude scene in there. it was a nice sight though. i thought she was ugly. but now i change my comments. and cameron diaz looked nice too. bleah.
in two weeks time i would be sitting for a test. actually its many tests. 6 tests to be exact. 2 on a weekday and 4(?!) on saturday. what the fuck. the test(s) are supposed to prepare us for the prelims. yay. i actually think i can pass them. because there is no maths.
the only thing i'm worried about is elective history/social studies.
i can't understand what the fuck the teacher is talking about. she is mumbling to herself and when we ask her to speak louder, she says "this is the loudest i can go, if you want to hear me, you have to shut up." cool. and she always tells us to speak up when we speak to her... wonder why she can't speak up when she talks to us. so my history/ss is fucked. hopefully i can get my act together before the exams. and the exams are going to come fast. after the test, it's going to be the prelims immediately after the september holidays. then the o's are coming in november. think i really should consider studying. and my maths is(and have always been) fucked.
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