i'm sure everyone has seen blogs that is simply about the daily events in the person's life. for example, "i went to school, school sucks. went home, ate some shit, and now i'm bloggin..." what's the fucking point of posting your daily timetable for the world to see? i think it's a much better idea to keep a diary instead. then you can save the world the pain and suffering of reading it.
then there are those blogs that go "i luv u dear, for ever and ever (only b4 u grow old and saggy and that's when i'll dump u in the thrash...)" yuck! mushy stuff is meant to be shared between 2 people. it's not something for the whole fucking world to see. again, what's the point? show people that they're in love? or maybe people are too insecure and feel that people think they're losers, so they go post these shits on their blogs so that others would know that they DO have a boyfriend/girlfriend. there are variations of this, including those people who have already chosen names for their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren - when they're only 15.
and the scum of the blogging world. "i WeNt To ChOmP oN sOmE sHiT tOdAy CoS i LiKe To TyPe LiKe ThIs CoS iTs CoOl..." it was an enormous strain on my lil' pinkie to keep pressing on the fucking shift key every other alphabet i typed. wonder how those fuckers manage to type entire BLOGS lIkE tHaT? of course, there are many variants too, such as those who subsitute a for @/4, e for 3, i for !, s for 5, t for + and so on... wtf. that would really cause some serious brain and finger damage. it would also require lots of finger-eye coordination.
actually you know what's a GREAT test for finger-eye coordination? stick your pointer finger out on both hands, then with as much force as possible, jab your fingers into your eyes. if you fail to puncture your eyeball or completely push it into the back of your skull, you have failed the test. those people who type 1!k3 +h!5 would definitely manage to blind themselves without much difficulty.
the last type are those that blog like once in 2 weeks, and the sole purpose of their blogs is to allow their friends to post in their tagboards. so they successfully turned their blogs into some kind of free message board service. smart or not, you decide. i'll say NO.
after witnessing so much crap from these blogs, don't you find it comforting to be able to get a good read here? YES!
chinese results coming out tomorrow (i think). hope that i would be lucky enough to get a b3 at least. HOPE.
then there are those blogs that go "i luv u dear, for ever and ever (only b4 u grow old and saggy and that's when i'll dump u in the thrash...)" yuck! mushy stuff is meant to be shared between 2 people. it's not something for the whole fucking world to see. again, what's the point? show people that they're in love? or maybe people are too insecure and feel that people think they're losers, so they go post these shits on their blogs so that others would know that they DO have a boyfriend/girlfriend. there are variations of this, including those people who have already chosen names for their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren - when they're only 15.
and the scum of the blogging world. "i WeNt To ChOmP oN sOmE sHiT tOdAy CoS i LiKe To TyPe LiKe ThIs CoS iTs CoOl..." it was an enormous strain on my lil' pinkie to keep pressing on the fucking shift key every other alphabet i typed. wonder how those fuckers manage to type entire BLOGS lIkE tHaT? of course, there are many variants too, such as those who subsitute a for @/4, e for 3, i for !, s for 5, t for + and so on... wtf. that would really cause some serious brain and finger damage. it would also require lots of finger-eye coordination.
actually you know what's a GREAT test for finger-eye coordination? stick your pointer finger out on both hands, then with as much force as possible, jab your fingers into your eyes. if you fail to puncture your eyeball or completely push it into the back of your skull, you have failed the test. those people who type 1!k3 +h!5 would definitely manage to blind themselves without much difficulty.
the last type are those that blog like once in 2 weeks, and the sole purpose of their blogs is to allow their friends to post in their tagboards. so they successfully turned their blogs into some kind of free message board service. smart or not, you decide. i'll say NO.
after witnessing so much crap from these blogs, don't you find it comforting to be able to get a good read here? YES!
chinese results coming out tomorrow (i think). hope that i would be lucky enough to get a b3 at least. HOPE.
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rossi, at August 13, 2004 3:20 pm
did you people romove your comments or is there something wrong with this? anyway, only got the idea from you, and a little bit of the first paragraph... please don't sue me.
cromber, at August 13, 2004 8:16 pm
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