ads n' more
there's been a lot of shit advertisments coming from the newspapers and the tv. shit advertisments like slimming programs, breast enhancement (ENLARGEMENT) programs, some retrenchment thing, and the search for the missing china girl. ok, the last one isin't an advertisment, but whatever.
slimming programs
needless to say, this is for 2 types of people only - the fat, and the really fat. and then the smart asses got 'real' people who lost weight through their programs to go on tv to tell the world (singaporeans) how good the program is, accompanied with before and after pictures.
but the point is, if you want to lose weight, exercise. if you're too lazy to exercise, maybe you can consider visiting a slimming centre. but for fuck's sake, you don't have to tell the world that you're a lazy blob of fat who is too damn lazy to exercise.
and then, there's the testimonials. "i was so fat, my boyfriend used to call me a bodyguard." ok, something is really wrong here. first of all, which self-respecting girl would allow her 'boyfriend' to call her that? if i were her, i would have delivered him a swift kick in the pants and leave him to die. next, being called a bodyguard isin't exactly something to be proud of, and it just shows how fucking stupid she is to happily tell everyone about it.
breast enhancement (ENLARGEMENT)
go open the straits times' life! section and you would definitely encounter it at least once a day, again with pictures of 'real' people (women) who have gone through their programs successfully. so what's the point of having big boobs? your face still looks fucking ugly. yes, that's right. stop staring at their breasts for a moment and look at their faces. YUCK!
ah, the world is always that fucked up. women with enormous breasts wish for smaller breasts. women with not-so-big breasts wish for bigger breasts. woman with breasts the size of a 10-year-old boy's wish for some kind of breasts. men with man-boobs wish to have no breasts. it's because of people like these that plastic surgeons are able to earn a living.
the women who appear on the advertisments seem to be proud of themselves because their 'program' does not include surgery. but what's the fucking difference? the woman who had silicone implants wanted 'nicer' (BIGGER) breasts, the woman who went for the breast enhancement (ENLARGEMENT) program also wanted 'nicer' (BIGGER) breasts.
i don't see how they can continue living their lives. every guy that looks at them, talks to them, dates them, fucks them, MAY not be interested with their breasts, but the women will not know that. they would be paraniod and always thinking "why is john so good to me? is it because of my beautifully enhanced (ENLARGED) boobs?"
somebody tell me, what's wrong with small breasts anyway?
retrenchment thing
it's some government advertisment about people getting retrenched and then learning new things to get another job.
"when i heard that i was going to be retrenched, the first thing that struck me was, what is going to happen to my job?" hey, normally, when you get retrenched, it means that you have no more job. and so far, i've seen 2 different people in the same advertisment saying EXACTLY the same sentence.
and this is supposed to be a government funded project. i mean, if you want to give them rehersed speeches, at least make them different. doing something like this makes people wonder if those 2 fuckheads are actually part-time actors, thus losing credibility in the advertisment.
search for missing china girl
see? china girl missing. have no idea why so many people bothered to 'help' find her. every year, so many SINGAPOREANS go missing, and no one gives a flying fuck. but a CHINA girl goes missing, everyone cares. maybe it's the government secretly doing it behind the scenes, hoping to build up good bilateral ties with china, especially after we fucked around with them by visiting taiwan.
ok, not that i oppose of anything. but some of the volunteers are just fucking retarded. that day on the news, it showed a group of people, mostly women and childern, going for what looked like a family outing in mcritchie resevior. but no, they were looking for the china girl! what the fuck? then, there was this man, bravely walking alone in the macritchie reservior "jungle", searching for "clues", then pleading with others to help join in the search in the "jungles".
what. the. fuck.
this guy obviously watched too many police movies and read too many detective books. fine, the supposed kidnapper may be a malaysian, but that does not necessarily mean that he is so fucking stupid. there are probably 20,000 other places to hide a girl. 20,000 other places that are not filled with runners and away from civilisation. and whatever in the world made these volunteers think that she is in macritchie reservoir anyway? why not pandan reservoir? or bedok reservior? why can't she be happily watching cartoons in an apartment with the man? out of so many many many possible choices, they chose macritchie reservior.
watched reservoir dogs, meaningless show with lots of vulgarities and some violence. it's about some diamond heist by a group of men. it only shows events before and after the heist, but never during the heist itself. no idea why it's so widely acclaimed.
slimming programs
needless to say, this is for 2 types of people only - the fat, and the really fat. and then the smart asses got 'real' people who lost weight through their programs to go on tv to tell the world (singaporeans) how good the program is, accompanied with before and after pictures.
but the point is, if you want to lose weight, exercise. if you're too lazy to exercise, maybe you can consider visiting a slimming centre. but for fuck's sake, you don't have to tell the world that you're a lazy blob of fat who is too damn lazy to exercise.
and then, there's the testimonials. "i was so fat, my boyfriend used to call me a bodyguard." ok, something is really wrong here. first of all, which self-respecting girl would allow her 'boyfriend' to call her that? if i were her, i would have delivered him a swift kick in the pants and leave him to die. next, being called a bodyguard isin't exactly something to be proud of, and it just shows how fucking stupid she is to happily tell everyone about it.
breast enhancement (ENLARGEMENT)
go open the straits times' life! section and you would definitely encounter it at least once a day, again with pictures of 'real' people (women) who have gone through their programs successfully. so what's the point of having big boobs? your face still looks fucking ugly. yes, that's right. stop staring at their breasts for a moment and look at their faces. YUCK!
ah, the world is always that fucked up. women with enormous breasts wish for smaller breasts. women with not-so-big breasts wish for bigger breasts. woman with breasts the size of a 10-year-old boy's wish for some kind of breasts. men with man-boobs wish to have no breasts. it's because of people like these that plastic surgeons are able to earn a living.
the women who appear on the advertisments seem to be proud of themselves because their 'program' does not include surgery. but what's the fucking difference? the woman who had silicone implants wanted 'nicer' (BIGGER) breasts, the woman who went for the breast enhancement (ENLARGEMENT) program also wanted 'nicer' (BIGGER) breasts.
i don't see how they can continue living their lives. every guy that looks at them, talks to them, dates them, fucks them, MAY not be interested with their breasts, but the women will not know that. they would be paraniod and always thinking "why is john so good to me? is it because of my beautifully enhanced (ENLARGED) boobs?"
somebody tell me, what's wrong with small breasts anyway?
retrenchment thing
it's some government advertisment about people getting retrenched and then learning new things to get another job.
"when i heard that i was going to be retrenched, the first thing that struck me was, what is going to happen to my job?" hey, normally, when you get retrenched, it means that you have no more job. and so far, i've seen 2 different people in the same advertisment saying EXACTLY the same sentence.
and this is supposed to be a government funded project. i mean, if you want to give them rehersed speeches, at least make them different. doing something like this makes people wonder if those 2 fuckheads are actually part-time actors, thus losing credibility in the advertisment.
search for missing china girl
see? china girl missing. have no idea why so many people bothered to 'help' find her. every year, so many SINGAPOREANS go missing, and no one gives a flying fuck. but a CHINA girl goes missing, everyone cares. maybe it's the government secretly doing it behind the scenes, hoping to build up good bilateral ties with china, especially after we fucked around with them by visiting taiwan.
ok, not that i oppose of anything. but some of the volunteers are just fucking retarded. that day on the news, it showed a group of people, mostly women and childern, going for what looked like a family outing in mcritchie resevior. but no, they were looking for the china girl! what the fuck? then, there was this man, bravely walking alone in the macritchie reservior "jungle", searching for "clues", then pleading with others to help join in the search in the "jungles".
what. the. fuck.
this guy obviously watched too many police movies and read too many detective books. fine, the supposed kidnapper may be a malaysian, but that does not necessarily mean that he is so fucking stupid. there are probably 20,000 other places to hide a girl. 20,000 other places that are not filled with runners and away from civilisation. and whatever in the world made these volunteers think that she is in macritchie reservoir anyway? why not pandan reservoir? or bedok reservior? why can't she be happily watching cartoons in an apartment with the man? out of so many many many possible choices, they chose macritchie reservior.
watched reservoir dogs, meaningless show with lots of vulgarities and some violence. it's about some diamond heist by a group of men. it only shows events before and after the heist, but never during the heist itself. no idea why it's so widely acclaimed.
ilovemilk, at October 27, 2004 7:26 am
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