
Tuesday, October 19, 2004

pearl harbour

i watched pearl harboUr in the cinemas a long time ago. so long ago that i don't even remember when it happened. then it was on tv. surprised at how little of the show i could actually recall while watching it on tv. my memory is failing me.

anyway, dramatising a real event to make it sell better is always bad. of course, no one would want to sit through a 3 hour documentry on pearl harboUr. but fortunately, there were some good parts in the show, unlike titanic, which totally sucked the llama's ass.

as with anything, let's start with the bad.

1. doubt the two lead actors and that nurse actually existed at all.
- which means that they did not shoot down the 7 japanese planes.
- which also means that virtually the whole story was made up.

2. filmed from a biased point of view (american).
- made japanese look evil.
- made americans look heroic.

3. no kamikazee pilots?
- huh? were they not invented yet?

- would be more fun watching people slamming their asses into stuff.

4. kate beckinsale looks stupid in bright red lipstick.
- who disagrees?

5. stupid love story.
- stupid. stupid. stupid.

and the good.

1. kate beckinsale is hot.
- need i say more?

2. made americans look stupid.
- they ARE stupid.

3. i like seige type movies.
- anything from starship troopers to legionnaire to matrix reloaded.

4. japanese were smart.
- actually not, after the consequences are included, but still smart enough.

5. kate beckinsale IS hot.

some interesting things about american presidents i found on the net.
- there are a total of 43 presidents.
- 8 died while on the job.
- of the 8, 4 were assassinated.

- the 'f' in john f. kennedy stands for fitzgerald.
- the 'w' in george w. bush stands for walker.
- bill clinton's name is actually william jefferson clinton.


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