i love africans - IV
i'm starting to love this 'woman'.
Dearest Davies,
It is with honour, respect and with regard that i read your mail this morning and in all i could say that all glory be to God Almighty for all things in our lives. My coming in contact with you may have been His doing and your deformity has nothing to do with my cherishing you. The more you open up to tell me of your past troubled life the more i get involved because for me honesty, sincerity and openness is the key. I have not seen you or neither have you seen me but my thoughts revolves around you.
You complained of your repressed anger over the years but i give you my words you will get over them when i'm with you. Your deformity should stop being a concern to you. Be proud and give God thanks for your life today and for the things He has given you.
I will try to go and see the internet director today and extend your greetings to him. When i pass you his contact informations you should remember not to disclose anything concerning money which will be transferred to you through me for investment purposes.
Now you should contact the lawyer that will assist us in the transfers of the funds to your country.The lawyer will help in the processing and procurement of all the necessary documents needed in the reclaiming and transferring of the funds to your country through the address and account you will have to provide. He will also make a binding aggrement between us in the transfers of the funds.
HIS NAME: xxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxx
PHONE: xxxxx-xxxxxxxx
EMAIL : xxx_xxxxxxxxxxxxx@yahoo.fr
When you call him tell him you are calling on my behalf Miss Debora Demo in respect to transfer of funds. I have notified him of the contact you will be making with him and you should contact him tomorrow or monday.
I do not need money now except if you want me to arrange coming to see you then i will make a confirmation on what it will take me to arrange for the travel including processing a passport.I will need to start arranging as the transfers of the funds will be in progress immediately you contact the lawyer.
I enclose my personal photos for you to know me.Do send me your photo also.And send me your phone and address.
I am sending you the deposit document of the trunk box at the security company and please do keep it safely as any exposure will not be such good to the safety of the consignments and the funds.
I await your soonest response.
Your's affectionate,
i censored his name and contacts because i'm worried he'll do a search of his name/contacts out of boredom/curiousity/whatever and find this place. realised she probably spelled my 'name' wrongly because i've been spelling her's wrongly too. three cheers for sweet revenge. somehow, she mispelled her own name this time. and mine too.
i don't intend to contact her 'lawyer'.
she even included pictures of herself.

anyway, from what i read in the papers, they usually directly ask for money to do the trasnaction. this woman is different. and i kinda gave it away when i asked her how much she needed, since she has never asked for any to begin with. they've probably learnt lots from their past experiences. and i'm helping in their learning process.
the address of her original email is blacklisted here.
my reply:
Deborah my love,
Can you please send me the contacts of my friend? I am desperate and in serious need to speak with him.
I am unable to send you my picture as I do not own a camera due to my inability to operate one. However, I managed to find a picture of myslef from happier times. It is the only picture I have that portray my hands. I apologise for the poor quality of the picture but it was taken more than 30 years ago.

in other news,
yesterday - i woke up, went to school for a make up lesson at 11. took a 15 minute walk around school before it began because i was too early and i didn't want to be that early since it was a different class. 1 hour later, class was over. i bought a bottle of peach tea and a box of lime mentos and took another long walk because the next class only starts at 1. finished my walk and met my friend, watched him eat at canteen 1. went for class, and then sports and wellness from 3 to 5.
and as i was walking back from the basketball court, i realised that the only things i 'ate' that day were mentos and peach tea. and water from the water cooler. the interesting thing was, i wasn't the least bit hungry.
from what i gather, thin people like myself have very little stored energy in terms of fats, so i should feel hungry quite often, since energy is used up quickly and there are no reserves. but i don't. on a normal day, i only eat 1 proper meal at best. and this has been going on for about 3 years.
i stopped eating regularly back in secondary 2. we had to read a novel called 'brian's return', about a boy who was stranded alone in the middle of the north american forest after his plane crashed. it's part of a series written by gary poulsen. quite a good book.
anyway, he said something to the extent of "when i was first here, i was afraid of hunger. i had to eat whenever i felt hungry. now, hunger is like an old friend. i know that being hungry will not kill me." i thought it was extremely true, so i decided to follow his advice.
that book is probably the reason i'm not 1.8 metres tall now.
so i think i'm either
1) immune from hunger
2) blessed with an extremely low metabolic rate
3) 'xian'
for those that do not understand number 3, it's a chinese word for god. my relatives always tell me (in mandrin, of course) "you everytime don't want to eat, want to be 'xian' is it?" sometimes i think they're right.
i think that because i don't eat regularly, my stomach is forced to sap every last bit of energy from what little i eat. high conversion efficiency rate. so very little is lost to my shit. and beacuse of this, one meal i eat is probably equivilent to 2 meals in a normal (yes, i'm not normal) person.
and as part of my transformation, my metabolic rate has slown down so that energy is used very sparingly. my body has also adapted itself to use lesser energy to complete its tasks. sort of like energy-saving mode on a laptop, except i'm in that mode all the time.
zen micro is playing
you know what they do to guys like us in prison - my chemical romance
Dearest Davies,
It is with honour, respect and with regard that i read your mail this morning and in all i could say that all glory be to God Almighty for all things in our lives. My coming in contact with you may have been His doing and your deformity has nothing to do with my cherishing you. The more you open up to tell me of your past troubled life the more i get involved because for me honesty, sincerity and openness is the key. I have not seen you or neither have you seen me but my thoughts revolves around you.
You complained of your repressed anger over the years but i give you my words you will get over them when i'm with you. Your deformity should stop being a concern to you. Be proud and give God thanks for your life today and for the things He has given you.
I will try to go and see the internet director today and extend your greetings to him. When i pass you his contact informations you should remember not to disclose anything concerning money which will be transferred to you through me for investment purposes.
Now you should contact the lawyer that will assist us in the transfers of the funds to your country.The lawyer will help in the processing and procurement of all the necessary documents needed in the reclaiming and transferring of the funds to your country through the address and account you will have to provide. He will also make a binding aggrement between us in the transfers of the funds.
HIS NAME: xxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxx
PHONE: xxxxx-xxxxxxxx
EMAIL : xxx_xxxxxxxxxxxxx@yahoo.fr
When you call him tell him you are calling on my behalf Miss Debora Demo in respect to transfer of funds. I have notified him of the contact you will be making with him and you should contact him tomorrow or monday.
I do not need money now except if you want me to arrange coming to see you then i will make a confirmation on what it will take me to arrange for the travel including processing a passport.I will need to start arranging as the transfers of the funds will be in progress immediately you contact the lawyer.
I enclose my personal photos for you to know me.Do send me your photo also.And send me your phone and address.
I am sending you the deposit document of the trunk box at the security company and please do keep it safely as any exposure will not be such good to the safety of the consignments and the funds.
I await your soonest response.
Your's affectionate,
i censored his name and contacts because i'm worried he'll do a search of his name/contacts out of boredom/curiousity/whatever and find this place. realised she probably spelled my 'name' wrongly because i've been spelling her's wrongly too. three cheers for sweet revenge. somehow, she mispelled her own name this time. and mine too.
i don't intend to contact her 'lawyer'.
she even included pictures of herself.

anyway, from what i read in the papers, they usually directly ask for money to do the trasnaction. this woman is different. and i kinda gave it away when i asked her how much she needed, since she has never asked for any to begin with. they've probably learnt lots from their past experiences. and i'm helping in their learning process.
the address of her original email is blacklisted here.
my reply:
Deborah my love,
Can you please send me the contacts of my friend? I am desperate and in serious need to speak with him.
I am unable to send you my picture as I do not own a camera due to my inability to operate one. However, I managed to find a picture of myslef from happier times. It is the only picture I have that portray my hands. I apologise for the poor quality of the picture but it was taken more than 30 years ago.

in other news,
yesterday - i woke up, went to school for a make up lesson at 11. took a 15 minute walk around school before it began because i was too early and i didn't want to be that early since it was a different class. 1 hour later, class was over. i bought a bottle of peach tea and a box of lime mentos and took another long walk because the next class only starts at 1. finished my walk and met my friend, watched him eat at canteen 1. went for class, and then sports and wellness from 3 to 5.
and as i was walking back from the basketball court, i realised that the only things i 'ate' that day were mentos and peach tea. and water from the water cooler. the interesting thing was, i wasn't the least bit hungry.
from what i gather, thin people like myself have very little stored energy in terms of fats, so i should feel hungry quite often, since energy is used up quickly and there are no reserves. but i don't. on a normal day, i only eat 1 proper meal at best. and this has been going on for about 3 years.
i stopped eating regularly back in secondary 2. we had to read a novel called 'brian's return', about a boy who was stranded alone in the middle of the north american forest after his plane crashed. it's part of a series written by gary poulsen. quite a good book.
anyway, he said something to the extent of "when i was first here, i was afraid of hunger. i had to eat whenever i felt hungry. now, hunger is like an old friend. i know that being hungry will not kill me." i thought it was extremely true, so i decided to follow his advice.
that book is probably the reason i'm not 1.8 metres tall now.
so i think i'm either
1) immune from hunger
2) blessed with an extremely low metabolic rate
3) 'xian'
for those that do not understand number 3, it's a chinese word for god. my relatives always tell me (in mandrin, of course) "you everytime don't want to eat, want to be 'xian' is it?" sometimes i think they're right.
i think that because i don't eat regularly, my stomach is forced to sap every last bit of energy from what little i eat. high conversion efficiency rate. so very little is lost to my shit. and beacuse of this, one meal i eat is probably equivilent to 2 meals in a normal (yes, i'm not normal) person.
and as part of my transformation, my metabolic rate has slown down so that energy is used very sparingly. my body has also adapted itself to use lesser energy to complete its tasks. sort of like energy-saving mode on a laptop, except i'm in that mode all the time.
zen micro is playing
you know what they do to guys like us in prison - my chemical romance
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