
Friday, June 10, 2005

i (really) (really) love africans

she replied AGIAN. she must be really desperate for business.

Dear Davies,
Thanks again for your reply and with all the difficulty you had in typing which took you several hours due to the mishap on your hands.Firstly before i begin,I want to express to you that i got your contact through the help of a friend who works at the internet and he gave me your name amongst other names which i prayed over and selected your name as the the spirit of lord directed me and hence i made contact to you. You should refer to the first email i sent to you.

About your nightmares, however there is no way my father's former bussiness partners should know you in the transfers of this funds.They know me but knows nothing about the money my father kept at the security company and will not know anything about the transfers of the money overseas.It was because of the way that my father was killed through poison that i wanted to keep the transfers private.The funds are quite legal but i want to maintain privacy of it's transfers. Our conversations should always remain private and no one should know anything about it tlill the funds are transferred.

You said that your government does not grant permit to people from Ivory Coast for study and resident. With your utmost concern of trust and sincerity in the course of this transfers i will be able to study in a nearby country to be able to visit you always and for you to always come and visit me.I suggest it will be better that we be together in a country where i will be able to enroll in school.I believe we can have further discussions on this after the transfers of the funds. I too believe you will assist in the proper investment of this funds in good lucrative ventures.

Davies this bussiness is legal and needs every protection from your side and my side because as it involves transfers of huge sum of money i need to secretly transfer it as my father ordered me and avoid dangers of loss of the funds. The friend that gave your address to me who is an internet director i did not even told her that it is money that i want to transfer overseas for my private investment purposes, this is also for security reasons of the funds.

I feel very much sorry for the accident you had as small boy which caused you bodily harm.But i believe you no longer feel the pangs of the accident anymore.I want to assure sincerely that that your openess about yourself has endeared me to you with love and passion.All i would require from you is your trust in safe keeping of the funds when transferred.

One thing i would honestly assure you is that i will always feel happy in your palms provided you assist me in the transfers and investing of the funds.Equally you should learn how to control when i'm with you but do understand that i will treat you as a man knowing what you deserve.

The depository documents of the consignment at the security company are with me and there is no risk involved in the reclaiming and transfers of the funds to your country.As soon as we have clear vision of understanding and your further assurances i will be signing an authorisation letter in your name for the change of ownership of the consignment to your name for it's reclaiming and transfers through the help of the lawyer that will transfers the funds.

Thanks and i remain grateful.

With Love,
Debora Demo

"I want to assure sincerely that that your openess about yourself has endeared me to you with love and passion... Equally you should learn how to control when i'm with you but do understand that i will treat you as a man knowing what you deserve ..." she loves me and wants to fuck me.

my reply:

Deborah my love,
I am horrified that you suggested that I am no longer affected by my childhood accident. Since then, people have been avoiding me where ever I go, and as a result, you and my friend in Abidjan are the only people that i can truely call friends. Not even my handsome looks managed to get me into a relationship because of my deformity. I am deeply traumatised by your comment. Even as I type this, I am reminded of my problem, BECAUSE I CAN ONLY TYPE WITH ONE FINGER!

I am sorry for that outburst. Sometimes I find it hard to control myself, due to my repressed anger over the years, which is why I'm worried for your safety when you're around me. However, I believe you deep love for me will help overcome all barriers

If your friend who is the internet director knows my name, he would surely know me? I am surprised that he managed to get into such a high ranking position only after 2 short years. Please tell him that I am happy for his success. Also, I am in desperate need for his contacts due to personal problems.

How much money do you need me to transfer?

You mentioned that you are from Ivory Coast. Why is this so, since you said in your previous emails that you are from Abidjan? Have you recently moved to Ivory Coast or are you still in Abidjan? Also, which nationality are you of?

I eagerly await your reply.

With my ever undying love,

damn. assron told me that abidjan is the capitol of ivory coast. so i sent her this.

Dearest Deborah,
I am sorry that I mistook Abidjan and Ivory Coast to be different countries in my reply. I was still angry when I wrote it and thus was not thinking clearly. So please disregard the last pararaph from my email.


i know it isin't exactly funny, but i have to show interest and take things slow or else she may feel something wrong. i've got plans, so don't worry.

go listen to
cross out the eyes - thursday


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