"breathe in the life of the summmer's death as the orange and red breathe their first breath, so welcome as they're burning through."
malleus maleficarum - afi
if blogger is to be trusted, this would be my 217th post. and probably my last. this blog has been dying for a long time. dying a long slow death. people say it's better to burn out than to fade out; and this have been left to fade for too long. maybe i'm being kind and doing it a favour by killing it.
my brain has not kick-started itself like i thought it would, once i got back to school and gave it some exercise. it's still dead. i can't think of any interesting thoughts worth writing about. no stupid things to say about stupid people. no exciting events to document.
so goodbye to whatever readers i have.
maybe i will be back one day, the day my brain decides to restart operation.
malleus maleficarum - afi
if blogger is to be trusted, this would be my 217th post. and probably my last. this blog has been dying for a long time. dying a long slow death. people say it's better to burn out than to fade out; and this have been left to fade for too long. maybe i'm being kind and doing it a favour by killing it.
my brain has not kick-started itself like i thought it would, once i got back to school and gave it some exercise. it's still dead. i can't think of any interesting thoughts worth writing about. no stupid things to say about stupid people. no exciting events to document.
so goodbye to whatever readers i have.
maybe i will be back one day, the day my brain decides to restart operation.
c'mon don't leave. i read your blog.
and i didn't realise you were ryan till today.
Anonymous, at August 30, 2005 12:08 am
brain disorder
cromber, at August 30, 2005 7:32 pm
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