change the damn thing
"you told me that the daylight burned you and that the sunrise was enough to kill you. i said maybe you're a vampire, you said it's quite possible i feel truly dead inside."
trouble breathing - alkaline trio
i finally got unlazy enough to transfer my songs over to the laptop. now i have to get unlazy enough to go down to the creative office and change the damn thing.
repeated transferring of songs from computer to mp3 player to laptop to mp3 player causes the quality to go to shit. which is why i'm expecting shit quality music to be accompanying me around after i change the damn thing.
unless, though very remotely possible, i get unlazy enough to rip all my cds again, and download all my other songs again. then label them all nicely again, since i like my music to be named nicely. labelling all 842 of them is not easy. or i can just fuck all and wait till it is totally and completely fucked before i go change the damn thing.
trouble breathing - alkaline trio
i finally got unlazy enough to transfer my songs over to the laptop. now i have to get unlazy enough to go down to the creative office and change the damn thing.
repeated transferring of songs from computer to mp3 player to laptop to mp3 player causes the quality to go to shit. which is why i'm expecting shit quality music to be accompanying me around after i change the damn thing.
unless, though very remotely possible, i get unlazy enough to rip all my cds again, and download all my other songs again. then label them all nicely again, since i like my music to be named nicely. labelling all 842 of them is not easy. or i can just fuck all and wait till it is totally and completely fucked before i go change the damn thing.
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Anonymous, at November 15, 2005 9:11 pm
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