it is national day
"mother knows, it's the life you choose, you choose, you choose, and it tears her apart."
saturday - go betty go
i went into the istana on sunday. there was an open house and we were bored. they had metal detectors and x-ray bag-scanners, like an airport. as my bag came out through the x-ray machine, the guy asked "whoose bag inside got scissors?" there was another girl in front of me and we both shook our heads. and i realised i had a pair in my pencil case, which was in my bag. i didn't tell him because i thought he would forget about it. after all, what harm can i do?
but i was wrong, and he put the bags though another round of x-raying. his superb skillz told him that there was indeed a pair of scissors, which i then took out and pretended like i didn't know about it(which is half true).
i had to surrender it at the counter and get it back when i left. we began walking in, and after about 50 metres, realised that the damn road is fucking long and the sun was fucking hot. and there was nothing to do in there anyway. so we turned around and left.
my istana adventure, lasting only 10 minutes.

how in the world he managed to tell that it was a pair of scissors remains a mystery. lets hope they have skillful people like that working all around the world. beside the scissors is my new favourite toy, which was in my bag that day too. lucky he didn't think that it was a bomb.
the fucking fighter planes just flew by my house. i heard that they were using faster and newer planes this year. fuckers didn't realise that faster and newer planes means more fucking noise for us innocent citizens. and these faster and newer planes fly so fucking low, because if they fly at normal height, no one can see that they are faster and newer and then think the government cheat our money.
one thing i hate about national day is that all the damn channels only show the damn parade. ALL of them. nevermind that it is one fucking stupid and boring parade. so poor me has no tv to watch. i went to one way back in 1995 with my father. from then on, i decided that i fucking hate that shit. basically because its boring, boring and really boring. nothing much.
i've always wondered why people bother standing for hours to get some tickets to a bore-fest. maybe the lure of a fucking goody-pack is really mighty.
my mother always watches the parade on tv. i think she loves this country.
saturday - go betty go
i went into the istana on sunday. there was an open house and we were bored. they had metal detectors and x-ray bag-scanners, like an airport. as my bag came out through the x-ray machine, the guy asked "whoose bag inside got scissors?" there was another girl in front of me and we both shook our heads. and i realised i had a pair in my pencil case, which was in my bag. i didn't tell him because i thought he would forget about it. after all, what harm can i do?
but i was wrong, and he put the bags though another round of x-raying. his superb skillz told him that there was indeed a pair of scissors, which i then took out and pretended like i didn't know about it(which is half true).
i had to surrender it at the counter and get it back when i left. we began walking in, and after about 50 metres, realised that the damn road is fucking long and the sun was fucking hot. and there was nothing to do in there anyway. so we turned around and left.
my istana adventure, lasting only 10 minutes.

how in the world he managed to tell that it was a pair of scissors remains a mystery. lets hope they have skillful people like that working all around the world. beside the scissors is my new favourite toy, which was in my bag that day too. lucky he didn't think that it was a bomb.
the fucking fighter planes just flew by my house. i heard that they were using faster and newer planes this year. fuckers didn't realise that faster and newer planes means more fucking noise for us innocent citizens. and these faster and newer planes fly so fucking low, because if they fly at normal height, no one can see that they are faster and newer and then think the government cheat our money.
one thing i hate about national day is that all the damn channels only show the damn parade. ALL of them. nevermind that it is one fucking stupid and boring parade. so poor me has no tv to watch. i went to one way back in 1995 with my father. from then on, i decided that i fucking hate that shit. basically because its boring, boring and really boring. nothing much.
i've always wondered why people bother standing for hours to get some tickets to a bore-fest. maybe the lure of a fucking goody-pack is really mighty.
my mother always watches the parade on tv. i think she loves this country.
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