"soma is what they would take when hard times opened their eyes."
soma - the strokes
that song is from a book. brave new world by aldous huxley. which i just finished reading. i think it sucks. it does have some interesting bits though. i hated it partly because the book smelt bad. stupid library books. one of the reasons i do not like to borrow books from libraries.
soma is a drug people take to make themselves feel happy. everyone takes it so everyone is happy. the book thinks that it is wrong because there would not be any happiness without the contrast of sadness.
today i was going to school and it was raining beautifully. i felt that the only weather there should be is rainy. then i realised i actually need to skate some times. i was worried that no one would know that i thought the rain was beautiful if i suddenly died for some reason.
then i realised that no one would know many many things about me if i died. and i thought it would be wise to write a will in case i die. at least someone would know.
soma - the strokes
that song is from a book. brave new world by aldous huxley. which i just finished reading. i think it sucks. it does have some interesting bits though. i hated it partly because the book smelt bad. stupid library books. one of the reasons i do not like to borrow books from libraries.
soma is a drug people take to make themselves feel happy. everyone takes it so everyone is happy. the book thinks that it is wrong because there would not be any happiness without the contrast of sadness.
today i was going to school and it was raining beautifully. i felt that the only weather there should be is rainy. then i realised i actually need to skate some times. i was worried that no one would know that i thought the rain was beautiful if i suddenly died for some reason.
then i realised that no one would know many many things about me if i died. and i thought it would be wise to write a will in case i die. at least someone would know.
My name is Maria Mody and i would like to show you my personal experience with Soma.
I am 52 years old. Have been on Soma for 2 days now. This drug, at 350 mg/day, did relieve the spasms in back and shoulders quite well. It allowed me to sleep well also. But for me, the side effects are heavy duty, so I would only use if the spasms are cripplingly painful. I had NO weird side effects with Zanaflex, although that doesn't work as well, nor with 5mg of Valium, but that's a bad drug to come off of. So, Soma's good for spasms but can have some disturbing side effects. AND: don't abuse this drug! If you do you'll end up a vegetable, and ruin things for people who really need it for pain.
I have experienced some of these side effects-
Soma gave me a dry mouth, and made me feel paralyzed. It gave me a strange spaced-out feeling, and almost felt like it was causing my muscles to quiver. Also upset my stomach, gassy and then blocked.
I hope this information will be useful to others,
Maria Mody
Anonymous, at December 11, 2008 8:29 pm
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