
Wednesday, January 18, 2006

1 to 3 years old

my sister is in secondary 1 this year. she still drinks progress milk from a milk bottle. the label says "recommended for children 1 to 3 years old."

she made it to express stream. i thought her brain development would remain at "1 to 3 years old."

she drinks milk once when she wakes up and once before she goes to sleep. this overloading of fluids in her body would cause her to pee when she sleeps.

and when this happens, she would take a towel and place it on the patch of pee and continue sleeping. i think she changes her pants too.

sometimes she just moves somewhere else to sleep, leaving unsuspecting victims to step on the wet mattress. this would cause much physical harm towards herself if the victim happens to be me.

not too long ago, i was drying myself after bathing. i decided to smell the towel and regretted it immediately.

so next time if you're in my house, try not to step on any mattresses. and bring your own towel if you want to bathe, unless you don't mind the potential harm.

please note that not all towels in my house are pee-soaked. i just happened to be unlucky. twice.

now playing
in the devil's territory - sufjan stevens


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