merry new yearrr

and so it's 2006. sounds weird. i'm hoping that by some magical miracle, this year will be better than the last. which seems quite difficult considering 2005 was quite a great year, to me at least.
every year, i forget how damn fast it is to the next year. i always think "oh damn, it's gonna be a long long way," and before i know it, it's the damn new year again. great.
anyway, i was watching fireworks at assplanet last night. and from our fucked-up vantage point over at the padang, i marvelled at my fantastically bad luck as i missed time and again to capture the bestest parts while my phone's camera was saving the sucky ones i took earlier.
it was almost as though they were purposely sending up mini decoy-fireworks to make my phone jam while the good shit comes out.

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