because i'm so bored and i don't want to sleep despite it being 2:44 in the morning and because my pr0n is downloading sooo slowly, i'm gonna tell you more about china.
- some young china man sitting in front of me in the plane told his friend that the white lights from the ground were stars
- the same young china man tried to steal a coffee cup from the plane and got busted by the stewardes
- drivers in shanghai like to honk their horns even when they're not horny
- drivers in shanghai (mostly) have no manners because they like to honk their horns
- for example, our hotel is located in a small road, which is really small
- some cunt drives into the road and starts honking his ass off at the pedestrians and cyclists and other random people, while maintaining a steady speed of around 50kmph. "i'm not slowing down so fuck off if you don't wanna die."
- we flagged down a taxi in the small road and a cyclist with 1 eye and a hearing aid starts shouting at us even before we board
- some saleswoman at the jade factory told this woman in our tour group that the jade necklace and her had a lot of fate and that she should buy it. she refused and the saleswoman then took the necklace to the woman's husband and told him that he had fate with the necklace
- a seriously drunk guy got into the lift with us and stood beside me and i was worried he was going to puke on me. he got off at the same floor as us and stumbled off and started banging on a door. good thing was, my mother couldn't tell he was drunk, so there is no chance she is going to realise it when i get home like that
- china has a lot of hot chicks
- chinese guys are tall
- the people there are full of shit. they all claim that the girls from suzhou are beautiful because they speak gently and have good skin. they don't realise girls can speak gently and have good skin and still be ugly
- but there are still many hot chicks in other places
- some young china man sitting in front of me in the plane told his friend that the white lights from the ground were stars
- the same young china man tried to steal a coffee cup from the plane and got busted by the stewardes
- drivers in shanghai like to honk their horns even when they're not horny
- drivers in shanghai (mostly) have no manners because they like to honk their horns
- for example, our hotel is located in a small road, which is really small
- some cunt drives into the road and starts honking his ass off at the pedestrians and cyclists and other random people, while maintaining a steady speed of around 50kmph. "i'm not slowing down so fuck off if you don't wanna die."
- we flagged down a taxi in the small road and a cyclist with 1 eye and a hearing aid starts shouting at us even before we board
- some saleswoman at the jade factory told this woman in our tour group that the jade necklace and her had a lot of fate and that she should buy it. she refused and the saleswoman then took the necklace to the woman's husband and told him that he had fate with the necklace
- a seriously drunk guy got into the lift with us and stood beside me and i was worried he was going to puke on me. he got off at the same floor as us and stumbled off and started banging on a door. good thing was, my mother couldn't tell he was drunk, so there is no chance she is going to realise it when i get home like that
- china has a lot of hot chicks
- chinese guys are tall
- the people there are full of shit. they all claim that the girls from suzhou are beautiful because they speak gently and have good skin. they don't realise girls can speak gently and have good skin and still be ugly
- but there are still many hot chicks in other places
haha.i didnt know u went china. i went shanghai last time and my uncle almost got knocked down by a bus at the zebra crossin. from tt incident, i deduced that china has no zebra crossin and those blak n white stripes on the road is to warn ppl that these are the places where they can die.
Anonymous, at April 03, 2006 8:08 pm
the zebra crossing all bullshit... just put to decorate the road.
cromber, at April 04, 2006 8:49 pm
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