which do you think is more punk?


"common punk ethics include taking direct action for political change..."
i think the handsome guy in glasses is more punk than any of you can ever dream of being.
he sticks to his ideas and carries them out, even though most people disagree and even if it means going to jail.
i used to think he was stupid, but it seems that he has his own reasons for doing what he does.
"as citizens of the country, we do not give "feedback". we have the right to tell the government what we want or don't want as public policy. we have the right not to be intimidated or threatened." - handsome punk
that handsome punk is chee soon juan by the way.
i was watching the lee kuan yew debate thing not too long ago, and he said that "no government will help its oposition gain popularity."
of course that is true, but since the PAP is already dominating everyone else, why don't they help the PEOPLE instead? after all, they're the PEOPLE'S action party.
maybe it wouldn't be best for them, but it would be good for the PEOPLE. because we are quite dumb, we need someone else to look after us.
the government raise taxes and bus fares and whatever else and we start crying boohoohoo, and then we vote for them again.
maybe it would be better to vote more for the opposition just for fun, and then they'll be more considerate towards the PEOPLE in the future.
V said, "people should not be afraid of their governments. governments should be afraid of their people."
the people recieve some money just before elections and they are very happy. they do not realise that this money will soon be gone because of price increases.
the people do not want tax increases, expensive bus fares, petrol, water, electricity, beer, cigerattes, etc. the people do not want it, and yet do not do anything about it.
- we are stupid.
- chee soon juan is punk.
- the people's action party should help the PEOPLE.
now playing
sweet marie - the anniversary


"common punk ethics include taking direct action for political change..."
i think the handsome guy in glasses is more punk than any of you can ever dream of being.
he sticks to his ideas and carries them out, even though most people disagree and even if it means going to jail.
i used to think he was stupid, but it seems that he has his own reasons for doing what he does.
"as citizens of the country, we do not give "feedback". we have the right to tell the government what we want or don't want as public policy. we have the right not to be intimidated or threatened." - handsome punk
that handsome punk is chee soon juan by the way.
i was watching the lee kuan yew debate thing not too long ago, and he said that "no government will help its oposition gain popularity."
of course that is true, but since the PAP is already dominating everyone else, why don't they help the PEOPLE instead? after all, they're the PEOPLE'S action party.
maybe it wouldn't be best for them, but it would be good for the PEOPLE. because we are quite dumb, we need someone else to look after us.
the government raise taxes and bus fares and whatever else and we start crying boohoohoo, and then we vote for them again.
maybe it would be better to vote more for the opposition just for fun, and then they'll be more considerate towards the PEOPLE in the future.
V said, "people should not be afraid of their governments. governments should be afraid of their people."
the people recieve some money just before elections and they are very happy. they do not realise that this money will soon be gone because of price increases.
the people do not want tax increases, expensive bus fares, petrol, water, electricity, beer, cigerattes, etc. the people do not want it, and yet do not do anything about it.
- we are stupid.
- chee soon juan is punk.
- the people's action party should help the PEOPLE.
now playing
sweet marie - the anniversary
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