coke ejaculation
a few few days ago, i was bored so i went to drink a coke. but i tought that simply drinking it would be not much fun, so i took a pin and poked it in the can.
the fun stared once i removed the pin. coke shot out of the hole at an extreme velocity, probably faster than the speed of sound. there was coke in my face, hair, my maid's hair, the floor, ceiling, and every other ofrice available.
when the ejaculation process was almost over, i decided that coke was for drinking, not for spraying everywhere. so i drank the remaining 3-quarters of the can through that hole.
when i was done, i realised that the super-acidic coke, together with it's velocity and small area of impact, had dissolved my tooth. fuck.
because i was drinking from a pin-prick, all the power was concentrated on a tiny spot somewhere between my 2 front teeth. it felt like there was something stuck to my teeth when i licked it with my tougue.
i tried scratching it off, brushing it off, nothing worked. i then tried applying toothpaste on it in hope that the flouride would help regenerate my tooth. but of course things don't work like that.
so my tooth is still partially dissolved and there still seems to be something stuck there even after so many days.
oh my exciting life.
now playing
know your rights - the clash
the fun stared once i removed the pin. coke shot out of the hole at an extreme velocity, probably faster than the speed of sound. there was coke in my face, hair, my maid's hair, the floor, ceiling, and every other ofrice available.
when the ejaculation process was almost over, i decided that coke was for drinking, not for spraying everywhere. so i drank the remaining 3-quarters of the can through that hole.
when i was done, i realised that the super-acidic coke, together with it's velocity and small area of impact, had dissolved my tooth. fuck.
because i was drinking from a pin-prick, all the power was concentrated on a tiny spot somewhere between my 2 front teeth. it felt like there was something stuck to my teeth when i licked it with my tougue.
i tried scratching it off, brushing it off, nothing worked. i then tried applying toothpaste on it in hope that the flouride would help regenerate my tooth. but of course things don't work like that.
so my tooth is still partially dissolved and there still seems to be something stuck there even after so many days.
oh my exciting life.
now playing
know your rights - the clash
i didnt noe coke can be so.. fun? go make more discoveries =) oh i heard if u put ice on chilli sauce and smash yr hand on it u can feel heat
Slumdog $1, at May 07, 2006 8:20 pm
maybe you should try and tell me
cromber, at May 09, 2006 1:05 am
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