
Sunday, May 07, 2006

i hate you and want to eat your brains

- act cute
- poke my laptop screen
- over-react
- staple papers the wrong way
- smell bad
- think you're better than me
- don't drink
- think i'm an alcoholic
- have no brain
- study too hard
- tYpE lIkE tHiS
- call yourself emo
- don't listen to afi
- listen to afi because they're soooo coool
- speak too much chinese
- go to kbox
- try to be a poseUr
- say that my ex-fingernail is disgusting

if you are guilty of more than 1 of the above, i officially want you dead.

if you have not done any of the above and are female, i love you and want to marry you.

now playing
miss murder - afi
many people are gonna become afi fans after hearing this song, because they're soooo cooool


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