it's such a perfect fit
"i want to kiss you on the mouth and tell you i'm your biggest fan."
my name is trouble - nightmare of you
my sister brought a kitten home about a month ago. she is bloody stupid and i want to kill her because i've already told her repeatedly not to as the cat was already about a month old.
the cat is a wild cat which lived with a bunch of other wild cats. it's been hiding in various parts of my house ever since, only coming out to eat. it hisses when we go near it.
it needs to be domesticated.
the cat is female, but so far i've been calling it either it, he, or the cat.
its shit stinks and we've been fortunate that it hasn't scratched up the sofa like my old cat did. mainly because it's been in hiding all day.
the cat jumped onto my lap just now when i was feeding it and rubbed its smelly ass all over my crotch. how arousing. but this also means that it's getting less afraid, so i guess it'll be scratching the sofa in no time.
oh yes, the cat's name is RAIN, which means it is a fucking ah lian. thanks to my sister.

i'm surprised it hasn't climbed out through the grills and fallen to it's death yet.
my name is trouble - nightmare of you
my sister brought a kitten home about a month ago. she is bloody stupid and i want to kill her because i've already told her repeatedly not to as the cat was already about a month old.
the cat is a wild cat which lived with a bunch of other wild cats. it's been hiding in various parts of my house ever since, only coming out to eat. it hisses when we go near it.
it needs to be domesticated.
the cat is female, but so far i've been calling it either it, he, or the cat.
its shit stinks and we've been fortunate that it hasn't scratched up the sofa like my old cat did. mainly because it's been in hiding all day.
the cat jumped onto my lap just now when i was feeding it and rubbed its smelly ass all over my crotch. how arousing. but this also means that it's getting less afraid, so i guess it'll be scratching the sofa in no time.
oh yes, the cat's name is RAIN, which means it is a fucking ah lian. thanks to my sister.

i'm surprised it hasn't climbed out through the grills and fallen to it's death yet.
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