
Saturday, May 05, 2007

kill a cyclist, save a life

they always say when disaster strikes, it always makes sure that it fucks you up real bad. ok, i made that up. but it's true, just read on.

an example of a disaster would be having to go to school early on a weekend morning.
that's a real disaster. and so i'm travelling on the bus, thinking about the other 20,000 things i could be doing (ie. sleep). the bus is at bukit timah road, near the nature reserve.

i notice many cyclists on the road. but wait, these aren't ordinary cyclists, they're lance armstrong wannabes! they're dressed in stupid swimsuit-looking cycling gear, riding their fancy-ass bikes on the road. alright, none of my business.

so i continue looking out of the window, counting the number of lance armstrongs passing by to help ease my boredom. i was reaching armstrong #15 when i realise that the bus was moving very slowly, around 1kmph, as the other cars zipped by.

"fuck the driver," i thought, and looked towards the front. then i see that it's not the poor driver's fault. there's a lance armstrong wannabe cycling in front of my bus. except that lance armstrong cycles fast while this cunt cycles at 1kmph. in front of my bus.

you see, the thing about these stupid cunts is that they believe that just because they're dressed in swimsuits and have expensive bikes, they have the authority to cycle on the road, rather than stick to the double yellow lines like those good bangla cyclists. the difference is that banglas allow vehicles to pass whereas cunts-in-swimsuits block traffic and forces everyone behind to travel at 1kmph as well.

sometimes the bus would overtake them and i would heave a sigh of relief. then the bus would stop at a bus stop and i watch helplessly as cunt-in-swimsuit overtakes the bus again and again and again.

another thing about their swimsuits is that bus drivers seem to give them more respect. if it were a bangla doing this on his rusty bike, the bus would have ran over him and he'd be turned into prata a long time ago. but cunts-in-swimsuits don't even get honked.

and so i sat on the bus, my serene appearance totally disguising the mental turmoil i was experiencing. i thought to myself, "when disaster strikes, it always makes sure that it fucks you up real bad."


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