erm so i worked today and sold an amazing TWO cameras in 10 hours. that's $11! you know, i'd rather spend my time sleeping at home. and the sad thing is that i found out i'm only working thursday and friday, once again a reserve for the weekend.
it's so sad because the big money only comes during the weekend and i won't be around for it. now everyone's just scouting around and wasting our time. the point is, please come down tomorrow if you wanna see me or you might never have a chance again for the rest of our lives.
i promised myself i am going to get $100 worth of commission tomorrow, and pray that i can work the weekend too. i am working with a bunch of weird and strange people which invaribly leads to a lot of funny incidents, but that's another story for another day.
it's so sad because the big money only comes during the weekend and i won't be around for it. now everyone's just scouting around and wasting our time. the point is, please come down tomorrow if you wanna see me or you might never have a chance again for the rest of our lives.
i promised myself i am going to get $100 worth of commission tomorrow, and pray that i can work the weekend too. i am working with a bunch of weird and strange people which invaribly leads to a lot of funny incidents, but that's another story for another day.
i saw u... u stil look like ryan
Anonymous, at September 02, 2007 9:20 am
bastard never say hi to me
cromber, at September 03, 2007 1:28 am
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