
Tuesday, April 01, 2008

for me

in case anyone was wondering, these are the things i've been up to lately:

1. eating porridge Every Single Day for the past week. yummy. i think my maid has run out porridge ideas. so far i've eaten oyster, scallop, liver, minced meat, and egg i think. any other ideas? no century egg cos it sucks.

2. getting pissed off with all that damn metal in my mouth. ulcers are starting to appear and eating is a big problem because food gets stuck all over and i can't chew as well. it's only 2 years more.

3. bike lessons, burning in the sun with the required long sleeves and pants. makes me reconsider the practicality of owning a bike, since the weather here is either Very Hot or Very Wet. sometimes it variates between the 2, which adds to the problem. black clouds can magically appear on sunny days and then disappear after pouring for an hour.

4. playing arcade with my cousin at least 5 times a week i think. great fun! feels like 1998 again. we were arcade freaks back then too, and strangely many of the games we played back then are still around. it's as though arcade game-makers did not make enough progress in the last 10 years to phase out the old games. noobs.

i will look for a job once i get bored enough of the above, which could be either soon or never.


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