do you remember when i said i was prepared to go to NS only in september? well i guess my wish came true because i haven't gotten my letter while almost everyone else has, and they're enlisting in july.
however if you realised, i wrote that 'almost everyone else' is enlisting in july, which means that i am eternally fucked and stuck alone in this place while they go off to holiday camp on paradise island.
who's not enlisting yet? we should become best friends and our love will tide us through the days. actually the only people not enlisting are females, which means i should start establishing (friendly) relationships with them and our love will... =)
however if you realised, i wrote that 'almost everyone else' is enlisting in july, which means that i am eternally fucked and stuck alone in this place while they go off to holiday camp on paradise island.
who's not enlisting yet? we should become best friends and our love will tide us through the days. actually the only people not enlisting are females, which means i should start establishing (friendly) relationships with them and our love will... =)
u gonna turn into a MAN soon! BOYZ TO MEN
Anonymous, at April 21, 2008 3:46 pm
cromber, at April 21, 2008 11:21 pm
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