
Saturday, July 26, 2008

7 more weeks and another 20 months

days are long on the island because we wake up at 0530 and go to bed at 2030, so there's 17 hours each day for us to do shit.

i don't miss home or my life or my friends or anything (heartless), but rather just dislike being on that island and listening to people shout all day long. in fact one of the 2 things i don't like is that the people there like to shout a litttttle too much (the other being i have to handwash my clothes).

i just find it very disrespectful when they say things like "YOU FUCKING CHEEBYES ALL DON'T LIKE TO ECHO RIGHT? NEVER MIND, I WILL MAKE YOU SUFFER!" followed by evil laughter within their hearts. lucky for me, my direct superiors are more respectable and prefer to use talking rather than shouting or barking.

but seriously when i look at those people, i can imagine that life must have been tough for them in the past, probably getting picked on all the time and shit like that. now is the time for their revenge.

for example,
one's an indian who's kinda like satish but only slightly better (the one whom i quoted in the previous paragraph)

another has a setreotypical loser face with a speech impediment (he says wope instead of rope, etc)

there's 'chicken little,' who has a big and deep voice to make up for his lack in height (only to my nose level, and i'm not exactly tall), and his 'big and deep voice' is seriously seriously impossible to comprehend (senang diri = SAAANG EE-EEE)

the only normal people here are those who are really really normal and do not have self-confidence issues or deep-set emotional problems so they do not really have the need to vent their anger and watch others suffer or make them do stupid things for their own amusement.

i wonder how am i going to be like in the future? perhaps it's as they say, "for your own good" that they treat us as such, to make us stronger and more resilient. maybe that's how i'm gonna be in the future, for their own good, or maybe i will remember my own time back then and try to treat them more like humans rather than faceless recruits.


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