
Sunday, July 27, 2008

matte black

on the first day we were sitting on the ground and i was looking at the clouds grow and bloom, something that i haven't done in years. so i sat there watching clouds and thought to myself that maybe it's gonna be fun and i can watch clouds everyday, but erm i was wrong and so spent the next 14 days rushing around everywhere with no chance to look at pretty clouds.

another thing was that i didn't get to see the sun rise or set because due to some strange reason it'll always be obscured or we'll be indoors. this led me to believe that the island is not actually a real island but more of a large computer simulation like in the matrix, except that the programmers didn't create sunrise and sunsets.

i also grew addicted to polishing my boots till they were shiny, although we were only required to keep them black. really once i had shiny boots, it was impossible to go back to dull black. i could spend 30 minutes of my scarce free time polishing my boots, and then feel sad when i see them get scuffed up. the cycle repeats itself daily.

i got so bored writing about my boring life and i'm sure you are bored too. i'm sorry.


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