no life
for almost 3 years i used the same phone with a shitty vga camera. i took many pictures of my life with this camera as a sort of pictorial diary. places i've been to, people who were with me, special events, inane days out, interesting objects, random snapshots, everything.
the pictures are arranged by date, and those on my phone have the exact time the photo was taken. i find this to be quite interesting when i look through them because i can see and recall that this particular moment in my history has been captured and frozen forever.
the pictures are of things that no one knows about or doesn't mean a thing to anyone else but me. for all of them, i can remember what happened during that time, regardless of how random the shot was.

this picture for example, was from the morning of 10th november 2005. i look at this and think oh yes i was in canteen 2 with my year 1 classmates in the early morning, we skipped a lecture to go chill. i remember taking this photo because my phone was still kinda like a new toy back then, and i found it to be quite fun taking pictures of random happenings.
this is how it works for all the rest of the pictures. i think it's even more fun than writing a diary.
unfortunately due to ns, i no longer use the phone anymore, because camera phones are not allowed as they are worried that their Greatest National Secrets will be leaked to the public. this is in spite of the fact that every single male in singapore has been to ns and can just as easily leak out their Greatest National Secrets if they so desire.
i find it too much trouble to switch phones every weekend so i guess my photodiary will have a 2 year long gap in it. how sad.
the pictures are arranged by date, and those on my phone have the exact time the photo was taken. i find this to be quite interesting when i look through them because i can see and recall that this particular moment in my history has been captured and frozen forever.
the pictures are of things that no one knows about or doesn't mean a thing to anyone else but me. for all of them, i can remember what happened during that time, regardless of how random the shot was.

this picture for example, was from the morning of 10th november 2005. i look at this and think oh yes i was in canteen 2 with my year 1 classmates in the early morning, we skipped a lecture to go chill. i remember taking this photo because my phone was still kinda like a new toy back then, and i found it to be quite fun taking pictures of random happenings.
this is how it works for all the rest of the pictures. i think it's even more fun than writing a diary.
unfortunately due to ns, i no longer use the phone anymore, because camera phones are not allowed as they are worried that their Greatest National Secrets will be leaked to the public. this is in spite of the fact that every single male in singapore has been to ns and can just as easily leak out their Greatest National Secrets if they so desire.
i find it too much trouble to switch phones every weekend so i guess my photodiary will have a 2 year long gap in it. how sad.
totally agree. i used a nokia 8210 i tink for ns... damn freaking old theres even cracks on the screen. but i didnt mind it becos it's like a symbol of of mary's life then lol
Anonymous, at November 19, 2008 8:17 pm
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