try and see it
"it's alright
cause there's beauty in the breakdown"
let go - frou frou
"...there is a strange beauty in this, because the heart of humanity is our emotions. although it can seem like the world is ending, when you feel like you cant sink any lower, just remember this: in order to feel that level of devastation, you had to have experienced something very very wonderful. be glad that it happened. there is truly beauty in that."
stolen from songmeanings
cause there's beauty in the breakdown"
let go - frou frou
"...there is a strange beauty in this, because the heart of humanity is our emotions. although it can seem like the world is ending, when you feel like you cant sink any lower, just remember this: in order to feel that level of devastation, you had to have experienced something very very wonderful. be glad that it happened. there is truly beauty in that."
stolen from songmeanings
hey junior!
update on oct life. lol.
Anonymous, at January 09, 2009 11:36 pm
this week one particular PDT FI challenged us to fight him 1-on-1, and also individually challenged a few others.
"if you think you are fucking zai, you think you are better than me, you can come find me outside!"
exciting lives of OCTs.
cromber, at January 11, 2009 1:33 am
glad to hear they're still a-holes. is that sherman? slitty eyed sausage lipped.
well, im sure u guys are ending the syllabus soon right. hang in there.
Anonymous, at January 11, 2009 11:55 am
LOL how'd you guess?! to think he was my schoolmate back in sec school.
yea i'm predicting a mostly smooth-sailing time from now till may.
Anonymous, at January 11, 2009 10:23 pm
they're all losers. we had several encounters with them. one of them choked my squadmate "in the name of training".
well, attachment is next right? have fun! btw when exactly are u guys passing out?
Anonymous, at January 13, 2009 8:32 pm
yea attachment in feb-march, then obs in april i believe. tentative POP date is 7th may.
Anonymous, at January 13, 2009 10:31 pm
wat sherman is coaching u? lol
Anonymous, at January 14, 2009 3:33 am
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