
Wednesday, September 30, 2009


in this day and age, i really do get confused as to what a bf/gf status really mean. does it happen when you like someone? or when you're in love (what’s this word worth anyway?)? or is there a certain point when it just HAS to happen? what do you guys think?

i think that it was meant to be a special thing, but that kinda got diluted by modern standards. after all, we're living in a time where people are getting into relationships here and there, perhaps even several at the same time.

i know guys who have girlfriends and get don't give a second thought of fucking other girls. i know girls who lie endlessly to their boyfriends and then try to blame everything on the guys when things go wrong. obviously it applies both ways.

is there a point in this? having a boy/girlfriend is clearly not worth a shit. so if it's not that, then what do we have here? why do people still place such great emphasis on this? is it just a mere formality, to serve as a notice to family and friends of their joyful union (that may only last a week or two)? or is it a booking of this person, a hands-off label to potential suitors?

i may be silly, but i do think that a relationship is so much more than just having a status. and in a sense it is perhaps even better to NOT have any, since it always seems to create more conflict and division than anything else.

couples should only be bound by their feelings and loyalty, and this status will serve as an unnecessary psychological barrier, such that they will try to stretch their relationship beyond breaking point just for the sake of 'us'. in the end they'll destroy each other in trying to be together when they would've been better-off being alone.

how many couples do you know of who are clearly unloving, fighting all the time and yet maintain this status? if it wasn't there, they'd just go their separate ways and be happier.

i don't know where it came from, but i have this notion that when a relationship attains this bf/gf status, it no longer belongs to just the couple but instead enters into the public domain. in announcing their union, it officially becomes Everyone's business and this can never be a good thing.

a relationship should only belong to the two involved, and when everyone wants a piece of it, there won't be enough to go around. sure, you can say that it will not affect you, but it WILL, and there's no way around that. there will be a time when they're only staying together for the public eye and that's when they'll die.

we should only be bound by feelings and loyalty. if one party thinks that there's nothing left and it's time to leave, then go ahead. there's nothing holding them back and that's the way it should be.

obviously my ideologies have turned right around and bit me in the ass, but i still truly believe in this. there's no point in carrying on if anyone is unhappy.

29/09/09, 12.11am


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