since i've got started, let me tell you about another thing that's been pissing me off: my new maid. actually, 'new' is not really the right word to describe her, given that she's been here for almost a year now, but i don't know what else to call her. my second maid?
anyway. when she first came last year, i thought she was kinda dumb. she would give me a blank face on the rare occasion when i asked her things, or she would totally ignore me altogether, like i was speaking to someone else despite the fact that we were the only people in the room.
well, i thought to myself, i can't really blame her for being dumb, can i? either that or maybe her english was simply hopeless so i just accepted my fate, but at least her cooking was better and the house is 20,000 times quieter than when the previous maid was around.
then as time went by, i realised that she's not dumb. she's been reading robert ludlum books, and once she was even engaging in active conversation with her parcel-collector IN ENGLISH! so fuck, she's not stupid, she's just PRETENDING to be stupid. which then pissed me off a whole lot every time she tried to be dumb and give that ??? face.
i guess she's just subscribing to the well-known and often-used army expression of "act blur, live longer," and she's been doing quite well, because honestly sometimes i really suspect that she's really stupid. in fact, almost everyone at home is pissed with her at some level but we don't really wanna send her back because there's always a risk of getting another maid that's truly stupid.
and i seriously wonder which one is worse...
anyway. when she first came last year, i thought she was kinda dumb. she would give me a blank face on the rare occasion when i asked her things, or she would totally ignore me altogether, like i was speaking to someone else despite the fact that we were the only people in the room.
well, i thought to myself, i can't really blame her for being dumb, can i? either that or maybe her english was simply hopeless so i just accepted my fate, but at least her cooking was better and the house is 20,000 times quieter than when the previous maid was around.
then as time went by, i realised that she's not dumb. she's been reading robert ludlum books, and once she was even engaging in active conversation with her parcel-collector IN ENGLISH! so fuck, she's not stupid, she's just PRETENDING to be stupid. which then pissed me off a whole lot every time she tried to be dumb and give that ??? face.
i guess she's just subscribing to the well-known and often-used army expression of "act blur, live longer," and she's been doing quite well, because honestly sometimes i really suspect that she's really stupid. in fact, almost everyone at home is pissed with her at some level but we don't really wanna send her back because there's always a risk of getting another maid that's truly stupid.
and i seriously wonder which one is worse...
i reckon a truly stupid one is better
dqb, at November 06, 2009 7:55 pm
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