so why's this still here?
the last time i told anyone about the existance of this blog was... a long long time ago. i just don't feel comfortable in having people whom i'm not familiar with read this, because it's very easy for them to form random conceptions and conclusions about me from the shit that i write.
i don't think this blog is an accurate representation of myself. it is just what i want to, and choose to portray. the things in here are a condensation of my thoughts and feelings, but deeper thoughts and feelings still remain hidden.
i write to entertain (sometimes only myself), to share my experiences and ideas, and to a very minimal extent, to allow people to keep in touch with me and my life.
a question to those who know me: how accurate a representation is this blog of me?
i don't think this blog is an accurate representation of myself. it is just what i want to, and choose to portray. the things in here are a condensation of my thoughts and feelings, but deeper thoughts and feelings still remain hidden.
i write to entertain (sometimes only myself), to share my experiences and ideas, and to a very minimal extent, to allow people to keep in touch with me and my life.
a question to those who know me: how accurate a representation is this blog of me?
I think it is quite an accurate representation of you except that you let your thoughts flow more freely (without being too bitchy) here and also, i get to read all of them at one go instead of interrupting you with my 'oei' and 'stop it' or outbursts when you said something funny and end up disrupting your train of thoughts.
but i like reading your blog only because you are perceptive and sometimes, it is really nice to see things from a different p.o.v
eddy, at January 30, 2010 2:12 am
true :)
no one knows about mine either, not that i have much on it but its great to write whatever you want and be whoever you want to show
Anonymous, at February 01, 2010 3:46 pm
if no one is reading then who are you writing for? could has well have done it in microsoft word and save everything in a folder.
we are such strange creatures.
pssst... tell me your blog. i'll keep it a secret.
cromber, at February 01, 2010 8:56 pm
hehe well yeaa... buh then i could only access it on one computer, unles i saved it on a memory stick. blaaahhhh .. hehe. :)
Starving for truth, at February 02, 2010 9:07 am
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