every night when i go to bed, there is probably someone doing the same just 2 metres above me, and another person 2 metres below me.
we spend our entire lives in such proximity and yet we know nothing about one another.
so close yet so alone.
we spend our entire lives in such proximity and yet we know nothing about one another.
so close yet so alone.
Hi ryan
sorry I just read this entry, have not read anything else of your blog (yet).
do you like, acknowledge, accept this situation you describe?
if not... why not be the one that makes a change, makes contact?
maybe they think the same as you do when they go to sleep...
why not get to know them?
(just questions that come into my head while reading, don't want to put my nouse in your business)
stephanie, at February 05, 2010 5:29 am
i don't like it nor hate it. it's just the way it is, the way it has been my entire life.
i think it's partly due to our nature and also due to the architecture of our buildings.
cromber, at February 05, 2010 7:42 pm
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