pack rat
many guys are pack rats by nature, preferring to hoard their stuff rather than dump them. "you never know when you'll need it, it'll be useful one day" they say.
it's gotta do with a man's usefulness about the house. being able to seemingly magically pull out items to fix problems is one thing that every man wants to be able to do, and what every woman wishes her man could do.
i used to keep a whole lot of stuff too, when i was young. of course i don't hoard junk, just things that could (or appears to be) potentially be useful.
it came to the point where my drawers were filled with so much stuff that i couldn't keep any more. i would periodically throw away some stuff that i REALLY found to be useless, so that i could add to my collection.
i had to clear my drawers recently, and i found lots of buried items that i haven't seen in years. some were kept for emotional reasons, some practical, others i have no damn idea why they are there.
put away some stuff to throw, moved the rest into a box, awaiting their new home (still not bought). i then started to shift my clothes. midway through, i realised that i didn't have a place to hang my belts.
hmmm... i looked over at the stuff i planned on dumping. there were some colourful paperclips that i had straightened for a project i did in sec 1.
for 9 years they lay in my drawer, buried under tons of stuff, awaiting their day of glory. this was their time to shine.

it's gotta do with a man's usefulness about the house. being able to seemingly magically pull out items to fix problems is one thing that every man wants to be able to do, and what every woman wishes her man could do.
i used to keep a whole lot of stuff too, when i was young. of course i don't hoard junk, just things that could (or appears to be) potentially be useful.
it came to the point where my drawers were filled with so much stuff that i couldn't keep any more. i would periodically throw away some stuff that i REALLY found to be useless, so that i could add to my collection.
i had to clear my drawers recently, and i found lots of buried items that i haven't seen in years. some were kept for emotional reasons, some practical, others i have no damn idea why they are there.
put away some stuff to throw, moved the rest into a box, awaiting their new home (still not bought). i then started to shift my clothes. midway through, i realised that i didn't have a place to hang my belts.
hmmm... i looked over at the stuff i planned on dumping. there were some colourful paperclips that i had straightened for a project i did in sec 1.
for 9 years they lay in my drawer, buried under tons of stuff, awaiting their day of glory. this was their time to shine.
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