
Saturday, April 17, 2010

wisdom -20

yesterday i went to have my 2 remaining wisdom teeth removed. i was feeling rather nervy about it because it involves 2 things that disgust me: injections and cutting.

it didn't help that i've done it before last year, because the first time just allowed me to experience just how disgusting and disturbing it's gonna be. the first time i went i wasn't bothered at all, since i didn't have the benefit of such 'knowledge.'

and so before i knew it, i was lying on the dentists' chair, awaiting my fate. "i'm gonna put some cream to numb your gums," the dentist said. she did, and barely a minute later, she came with the injection needle. it was fucking long.

fuck, i thought. couldn't she wait longer for the numbness to set in? i could see the needle because i wriggled till the cover over my eyes went askew (self-inflicted misery). previously the dentist only jabbed me 3 times, so i prepared myself.

aaargggh the needle went deep into my gums. fucccking long neeeedle. normal injections don't hurt, they just disgust me. this one hurt and disgusted me. awesome. and then she jabbed me again and again. 3 times, i thought it was over.

then she did it again and again and again... at least 10 shots, fuck me. my head was shivering. she was done and we waited for the anesthetic to set in. wait wait wait, before long, she popped out again. that's so soon! i could still feel!

"are you numb yet?" she asked. "erm, not really." "ok, see if you can feel this." and SHE FUCKING JABBED ME AGAIN, just for kicks. i felt it, fyi. and then before i knew it, she was drilling in my mouth. this means that i didn't feel her cutting me, which means that she freaking cut me when i thought it was another jab.

she started to push HARD against my tooth. i was seriously damn worried that whatever tool she was using would slip and rip my mouth open, so i kept turning my head to reduce the pressure.

now everything is fine and i just hope it doesn't swell up as bad as it did. maybe female hands are gentler thus lesser trauma. hopefully.


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