
Friday, March 11, 2011

read all about it

there was a time when i wondered how it feels to be a caucasian living in america or australia, knowing that the land does not really belong to them and that they're invaders of sorts. it must feel kinda weird, right?

then it suddenly came to me that i'm one of them too. this country is made up of invaders from china, and that's me. second or third generation singaporean. before this it felt so natural that i didn't even realise it, but now that it's in my head, yes i do feel kinda weird.

recently i caught a bit of the incredible human journey on tv and spent the past week fascinated by humans and their origins. what makes us the only human species to survive? would there be new humanoid species in the future? wiki to the rescue.

i imagined some of the pioneer groups of humans when they first moved out of africa and slowly took over the world, and also how it would be like to interact with some of the earlier human species that had long been spread across the world before modern humans.

i think these people, our forefathers, deserve a pat on their backs for their sheer inability to die off and one day turn into the most dominant species on earth. as the other human species slowly died off, they instead grew and expanded their population.

one of the more famous early human species, the neanderthals, is said to still live on. genetic tests estimates that 1-4% of european and asian (ME?) DNA is shared with neanderthal DNA, and at least one other species of DNA is still extant.

now i feel more weird knowing that i'm probably 1-4% neanderthal.


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