cheap thrills that we dream about

taken today, 9:58 am
my delegated task at work is a simple one: collect the trolleys and baskets used by the customers and return them to the entry.
doing something simple and brainless like that tends to lead me into attempting to do my work while expending the least amount of energy. after all, basket collecting is an endless (and thankless) process so there's no point in trying to swim against the current (and for only $6/hr?!).
it's a boring job so we had to find something fun to tide us through the boredom. in between futile attempts at trying to convince my work buddy to change his views about the beauty of tall-girl, i started challenging them to push the longest trolley-trains.
i was in the morning shift and we set the record at 43. the night shift broke it with 48, then we went on to 50+. i then did a solo effort of 25 and it was a hell of an effort trying to steer that shit without crashing into shit and people.
this morning was the last day of work and i started forming up the trolley-train again. when i got to 50, there were still a lot more, so i continued stacking. i thought i would stop at 70, which would already shatter the existing record, but there were still a lot more trolleys.
fuck it, it's the last day, i thought, and stacked every single trolley there was at the exit point. final tally? 97. i felt like i was pushing a bus (it was definitely as long as one, maybe more) and i had to kick off a wall to get it moving. i was sweating when i was done but it was damn well worth the effort.
now that i think of it, i probably spent more energy pushing trolley-trains than doing actual work.
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