little ones
i've spent the past week doing some work at an event involving a whole damn lot of school children, from primary all the way to tertiary level, their age probably from 9-18.
being around the primary school kids just caused me to affirm my dislike towards them. kids, they're cute from around 1-5 years old. after that they turn into little fuckers, and then grow up into big fuckers. there's really no other way out.
anyway it seems that kids these days are turning into FEARLESS little fuckers, ever since the government stopped teachers from properly disciplining them (aka smacking the shit outta them). besides that, parents can also get into trouble with the law for smacking too much shit outta their children.
instead, we've now moved into a new age of parenting and teaching, where the parents and teachers have to reason with the kids in order to stop them from doing whatever shit that these little fuckers are up to. i don't think they can even shout at the kids.
obviously it is impossible to reason with kids when their brains aren't even properly developed, so these little fuckers are now free to do as they please. what's the worse that could happen? teacher is going to scold me? does that hurt? no. do you think i care? no.
all week i've been resisting the urge to chokeslam them. it's so tempting, it's killing me inside. apart from my inner turmoil, i've been rather nice to them as compared to one of my co-workers... the kids were making a hell of a racket as usual, so he told them to keep quiet.
kid: you ask him to keep quiet first! (pointing to one of his friends)
guy: I TOLD YOU TO KEEP QUIET YOU BETTER LISTEN TO ME AND DON'T TALK BACK. JUST SIT DOWN AND SHUT YOUR MOUTH. (no exclamation marks because he said he wasn't shouting, just raising his voice)
the kid sits down with tears welling up in his eyes and i found myself a new hero. later that day we got a complaint from the kid's teacher. fuck the teacher, he's still my hero.
being around the primary school kids just caused me to affirm my dislike towards them. kids, they're cute from around 1-5 years old. after that they turn into little fuckers, and then grow up into big fuckers. there's really no other way out.
anyway it seems that kids these days are turning into FEARLESS little fuckers, ever since the government stopped teachers from properly disciplining them (aka smacking the shit outta them). besides that, parents can also get into trouble with the law for smacking too much shit outta their children.
instead, we've now moved into a new age of parenting and teaching, where the parents and teachers have to reason with the kids in order to stop them from doing whatever shit that these little fuckers are up to. i don't think they can even shout at the kids.
obviously it is impossible to reason with kids when their brains aren't even properly developed, so these little fuckers are now free to do as they please. what's the worse that could happen? teacher is going to scold me? does that hurt? no. do you think i care? no.
all week i've been resisting the urge to chokeslam them. it's so tempting, it's killing me inside. apart from my inner turmoil, i've been rather nice to them as compared to one of my co-workers... the kids were making a hell of a racket as usual, so he told them to keep quiet.
kid: you ask him to keep quiet first! (pointing to one of his friends)
guy: I TOLD YOU TO KEEP QUIET YOU BETTER LISTEN TO ME AND DON'T TALK BACK. JUST SIT DOWN AND SHUT YOUR MOUTH. (no exclamation marks because he said he wasn't shouting, just raising his voice)
the kid sits down with tears welling up in his eyes and i found myself a new hero. later that day we got a complaint from the kid's teacher. fuck the teacher, he's still my hero.
kids can be cute!!
bitch, at August 29, 2011 12:23 pm
only if they're aged between 1-5...
cromber, at August 29, 2011 10:59 pm
that guy shouldnt be working there man...
i reckon working with children is like working in an animal kingdom. you have to gain their respect first. lol and they probably like u when they think u are one of them.
dqb, at September 01, 2011 10:52 pm
yes children are ANIMALS. they only know the law of the jungle. the strong kills the weak.
cromber, at September 03, 2011 4:55 pm
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