
Monday, November 07, 2011

17 july 2004

this blog has been going on for 7 years now and although i'm definitely not as funny or interesting as i was before, and neither do i update as frequently or have as much to say, it is still great to have around just so i have a little record of the past 8 years of my history.

just through a few clicks, i can read up on what was going through my mind on this very day, back in 2004. i said that i hated the stars in the sky, and guess what? i still do now. that little 16 year old me, who thought he knew the world. look at me now! and then in 7 years' time i'll be reading this and i wonder what'll be going through my mind.

this blog is me, my history and all the baggage i carry. i don't wanna let go of a single bit of it. some parts of my memories fade away, some parts are just not there anymore, but none of this happened willingly. as far as i can, i would want to remember everything, every ounce of pain and every bit of happiness just as it was the moment i felt it.


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