
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

tell all your friends

it was a few years ago when high-waisted pants first came back into fashion. it was first picked up by a select few misguided fashionistas and i thought it looked so damn bad that they must've been wearing it solely for its kitschy appeal. they looked like maids for fuck's sake.

then as all diseases go, it slowly spread to the general female population. the problem with this pandemic is that these girls get influenced by the look of high-waisted pants on models with a certain body type. on the average female, it just doesn't work and it throws their entire body out of proportion.

it is probably the most unflattering piece of clothing ever. it shortens the torso and cuts the body at such an awkward place, right at tummy where there's flab on most people. it flattens the butt to non-existance and makes the thighs look thick in comparison.

i suppose it's ok to wear if you're one of the girls who doesn't bother about looking good or if you're trying to look as unappealing as possible for whatever reason. otherwise, i think it's fair to assume that you just haven't realised how terrible it looks and i suggest you take my advice and burn those pants.


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