
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

year of the dragon

i think my mother finds all these chinese new year stuff to be a chore. me, i feel that it's alright, maybe because i don't really have to do anything except meet some relatives and collect money.

some people may think that it's a waste of time to meet all these relatives once a year and forget about their existence for the remaining days, but i think getting together once a year is better than never a year.

although we don't really have anything in common nor are we really important parts of each others' lives, we are still relatives, all related by blood. it's good to be checking in once a year to make sure everyone's alive and well.

anyway one of the things my relatives like to talk about is how much i resemble my father. every year without fail they'll be like "wowwww you look exactly like your father when he was younger! hey [other relative] come and look at him!"

i'll just be smiling politely while i'm thinking hey, is it really that much of a surprise that i resemble my father? hello? genetics? magic?

oh yeah my fart is so damn smelly now after eating all those new year goodies that i'm having a headache from smelling it.


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