
Friday, February 24, 2012

the stuff of nightmares

2 nights ago i was watching tv, just chilling out and waiting for my brain to shut down before i went to bed. i switched to mtv and saw there was 'mtv rock,' and this guy was on the screen.

he looked rather freaky and psycho-killer-ish but i was like yeah whatever let's just watch this, the song sounds pretty relaxing anyway. at first i wasn't really paying attention to anything and just trying to figure out who the hell is this guy.

it looked like some sort of old metal band, so i was running though the list of all the old metal bands i knew... judas priest, black sabbath, didn't seem to be any one of them.

then as i was staring at the tv, it suddenly dawned upon me... oh god, what in the fuck am i watching? the imagery was trippy as hell and just so completely fucked up.

it just feels like a nightmare and i was seriously getting worried that i would have a nightmare of it later, but i just couldn't turn it off because i needed to find out who the heck were they.

i couldn't really hear the song because the volume was low
so i sat there and watched this freaky dude and the nighmarish video for what seemed like forever.

after a night's sleep filled with dreams that were thankfully not related to the video, i searched for it online and found it was only 6mins long?! considering i probably missed the first minute, it still felt like one of those 10 minute epics that these old rock bands love to do.

i didn't dare to watch it but earlier today i finally gave in to the temptation. still, i only dared to listen to it, and i figured since i didn't really hear it that night, it shouldn't be that bad.

i was so wrong. i had a headache and felt like vomiting. i closed it midway through. watch at your own risk.


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