
Monday, August 27, 2012

turned out just fine

just not too long ago i saw someone on fb saying that he/she was having a bad day. i then tried thinking of the last time i had a bad day and... nothing. strange but i've never had a real bad day, or at least i don't remember having one.

but that was before today.

today was my first day of reservist, reporting time 0830. woke up at 0730 after about 4 hours sleep because my sleeping time in recent weeks is around 4-6am and i found it impossible to fall asleep early.

i got ready, hopped on my bike and a few minutes later, it was drizzling. where the fuck did that come from? everything looked fine before that so i figured it was just a slight drizzle. out came my new waterproof jacket that i have only just bought and tested under the tap at home. it sure was waterproof.

rode for a few more minutes and boom, here comes the rain, and i didn't have any waterproof pants. i was wearing only my uniform pants and shoes. it was gonna be a long and soggy day.

midway through, i found out the hard way that testing the jacket under a tap wasn't really such a good methodology after all. fortunately it wasn't that bad and i only got a little damp on the sleeves.

when i got there, i again found out the hard way that my bag wasn't as waterproof as i thought. again, it wasn't that bad and things just got a little damp.


it was switched off and when i finally got it working, some buttons weren't functioning and the capslock would turn on and off randomly when i typed sO IT kiNDA tuRnED out LIKE tHIs. FUCK ME.

spent the next few hours sitting around in briefings/nothing, freezing and feeling generally uncomfortable until about 1pm where i had to go for shooting test. marksman and i would get $200, fail and i would have to reshoot on thursday, fail again and the whole reservist would be cancelled.

i failed my previous shoot so i wasn't having high hopes, but still confident that the previous failure was due to mechanical (really!) rather than operator problems. but of course you should know how this one turned out too.

after waiting for 3 ours till our turn, i went on to perform one of the worst shoots in the history of armed weaponry, i think people 200 years ago using flintlocks would've fared better.

and to cap off this wonderful day, the sky opened up once again as i prepared to ride home.

got home and managed to fix my phone problem and then watched shooting tips on youtube because i really don't know how i sucked so bad and i have no idea how to remedy this. it's not as though i can practice with anything. just close my eyes and visualise?

before my shoot i was talking to one guy there and he summed it up really well. he said he's gotten all sorts of scores before, from marksman to near failure, but each time it felt the same. just shoot at the target and hope for the best because you wouldn't know if you hit it or not. it's not like you can see the tiny holes and unlike in the army, the target doesn't fall down when it's hit.


  • haha back in NS I have to retake mine many times too and I don't even know how I pass or fail.

    By Anonymous dqb, at August 29, 2012 1:29 am  

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