
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

fuck the world

people often ask me why don't i go travel around the world since i'm so free?

traveling for the sake of traveling, i just think this whole deal is way overrated to the point of it being annoying.

people just fall for the romantic ideals that they see or think up in their minds about traveling without actually knowing what this is in reality.

they say they want to see the world. let's say you've finally managed to see the whole damn world, so what's next? are you going to put what you've 'seen' into use, or is it just gonna be something for you to tell people about?

yeah i've been here, i've been there, look at my pictures... what's the point? you've been everywhere only to end up where you began.

in recent times sites such as thoughtcatalog etc have been very popular, and one of the more common topics i see is about traveling.

i came across this article which pushed me over the edge and prompted me to write this.

"Excuse # 2: It’s way too dangerous to travel.
Another illusion that our society has molded our minds into."

fact: traveling alone IS dangerous, and i fucking hate it when these people who have safely completed their trips go around telling everyone that it is not dangerous. why not ask the lady who was raped by 3 men on her first night in india?

just because YOU have made it safely doesn't mean that it is safe. it's like a tsunami survivor telling people that it was nothing man, felt just like wading in a baby pool.

there's so much i can say about this traveling bullshit but i'm finally tired and i'm going to sleep now.


  • I read a couple of articles from that blog when people were sharing it on Facebook. I thought they lacked depth and I didn't learn much from them, so I didn't follow up anymore. Initial impressions I got from the blog: pretentious; say the politically correct, popular, feel good things; rather than the sincere and realistic "truth". I might be wrong since I'm not a regular reader of it... but it takes you where you want to be taken to, rather than challenging your thoughts? Too judgmental from reading a few posts? Lol

    By Anonymous dqb, at July 10, 2013 10:29 am  

  • That blog as in thought catalog...

    By Anonymous dqb, at July 10, 2013 10:32 am  

  • most of the time they're ok for light reading but i dislike those '20 things to do in your 20s' etc kinda bullshit posts, and then people will read it and share it on fb and everyone will agree.

    By Blogger cromber, at July 11, 2013 2:19 am  

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