
Monday, July 22, 2013

pls just go away

this k-pop thing, to say that i don't get it would be the biggest understatement ever.

the main reason for my dislike is that i feel it completely razes to the ground the past decade of our development and progress.

we've come so far and now they're reversing evolution to step into this shit-pile all over again.

and i won't even get started on the fashion. oh god...

case in point:

i think it was last year's awards night for local tv, and they got this korean guy to perform. so out he came, he did some rapping, some singing, some breakdancing, i don't know if he did any of that particularly well, but the crowd went wild.

what i thought was haven't we seen all of this shit, i don't know, maybe 10 fucking years ago? and in fact seen it so much that we got sick of it and moved on?

and then after that performance, i saw his name pop up on the tv and i recognised it (don't even ask me how), and realised the sad thing was that this fuck is approximately a thousand times more famous and popular than any of the tv stars at the awards night.

if this goes on, i predict that nu-metal will make a comeback within the next few years.


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