now x years into my working life, i find myself sinking and digging deeper to find things that might stimulate my senses.
but it is at times like these, 2am and a firm drizzle outside the window, i hear and smell the rain over the low burble of my soundtrack tonight.
2am and i'm thankful that i'm awake at this hour, not for the drinks or the ladies, but thankful that i'm awake to appreciate this little moment.
hey! i chanced upon your blog recently and have been lurking for a while. i like the transition your writing's made since your secondary school days! not sure if you'll ever see this seeing how you haven't updated in a while, but i hope life's been great for you and that you aren't hating your job. cheers.
penny, at January 21, 2021 10:15 pm
hi penny, i hope you'll one day see this reply.
funny that you've been reading my shit from way back then. why are you still reading blogs?
tell me more about yourself.
cromber, at March 09, 2022 1:02 am
and funny that 2 years on, i still recall clearly that night i wrote this post. the rain, the feeling of this unknown sense of loss as i played this song...
looking back i marvel at my innocence... little would we know the horrors that would befall us...
cromber, at March 09, 2022 1:38 am
Hey! I'm back! I'm not sure how i stumbled upon your blog in the first place but once i started reading, i couldn't stop. It's like coming across someone's journal and not being able to stop reading 🤣🤣 sorry if that sounds creepy!
Penny, at June 08, 2022 8:33 pm
I know what you mean. Sometimes i read my old posts and i feel like i've gone back in time. I saw the timestamp on the first comment i left you and i remember now that i had just gotten dumped then and somehow reading your posts let me escape from my own thoughts and then after that i just couldn't stop until i had read everything. 🤣
Penny, at June 08, 2022 9:05 pm
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