
Wednesday, November 29, 2006


i turned 18 two weeks ago.

i tried drinking yesterday.

22 weeks and 6 days since the last time.

1 litre of beer just reminded me why i quit in the first place.

it sucks, never again.

i need a new distraction.

now playing
smile - afi


you came to me like a dream
the kind that always leaves,
just as the best part starts
it ends so abruptly.
and leaves you stunned and naked in your bedroom all alone.
it's kinda funny how something so soothing
gets interrupted by the ring of a telephone.

bleeder - alkaline trio

Thursday, November 23, 2006

i died a month ago

time to start drinking.

or not.

Friday, November 17, 2006

bus 184 to clementi

i was in the bus with my cousin on tuesday, sitting directly behind the driver.

suddenly he shouted at some indian kids,



it was a bendy bus and the kids were at the back. he didn't even turn around to shout at them because he was driving.

my cousin and i were discussing the correctness of his 'announcement'.

1. there is no rule that says you have to sit when on the bus

2. there is no rule that says you can't play on the bus

3. if the kids chose to play on the bus, how are they going to get off? if they got off the bus, how are they going to play on the bus?

but it sure was funny as hell.

now playing
m.i.a. - a7x

Saturday, November 11, 2006


i'm more or less resigned to my fate, that my wrist is never gonna recover. i fall and re-injure my arm an average of once a week, so it gets damaged each time it recovers.

i predict that this trend would continue for as long as i refuse to stop my sporting activities, and i don't think i'll stop anytime soon, at least until i get sick of injuring my wrist.

Monday, November 06, 2006

good life

someone asked me which would i prefer in life,

1. hardship followed by enjoyment

2. enjoyment followed by hardship

3. just chill until an obstacle comes, and then try to deal with it

i told him that i prefer to enjoy all the way, because i can't really think of any other way to live.

actually i don't really believe in 'obstacles'. i think they're just little things that make life more interesting, like chocolate chips in your chocolate chip cookie.

maybe that's just because i haven't experienced any real obstacles before.

now playing
new american classic - taking back sunday

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

i haven't been around because

1. my brain is not working

2. the most interesting recent event is about the MP's daughter's blog. it's such a dumb issue and yet it's plastered all over the internet and newspapers. it's so bloody dumb that nothing should even be said about it, but my dear fellow countrymen are stupid enough to make it into a national issue

3. i'm ashamed to be part of this internet community, to be part of this country

4. i injured my wrist again, feels great

5. the only things i'm thinking of currently are not suitable for mass consumption, therefore no bloggie

this is an explanation.

now playing
razor valentine - thea gilmore