
Tuesday, February 28, 2012


so i was studying and i got so bored that i decided to see how long i could hold my breath. yes i was that bored. anyway it reminded me of the time in secondary school where my classmates and i had a breath-holding competition in class because were were that bored.

i held my breath for 2 minutes and beat everyone's asses but then they said i was cheating. whateverrrrr. i aimed to beat my own record today.

i got my phone on stopwatch, took a few deep breaths and started the time. i closed my eyes and after what seemed like an eternity, opened them to see the time on the stopwatch was... 30 seconds. fuck me. i closed my eyes again and let my heart rate fall.

at 1.30 i was starting to feel the strain. 1.45 i was struggling and my heart was pounding. i gripped the arm rests. 2 minutes. i was dying now. i wondered if it was possible to kill myself by refusing to breathe.

2.10. i started to count the seconds, aiming for 2.30... 2.27, 2.28, 2.29... 2.30! i made it! air never smelled this good. i felt dizzy and i was sure i killed enough braincells to write off the entire day's worth of studying.

after that i went on wiki to find out what was the world record. i was guessing around 10 minutes. it took me a while before i found a relevant page and scrolling through it, i saw 11:35. wow amazing.

and then i scrolled down... WTF 20 MINUTES? put him in a marine environment and his offspring will turn into dolphins in no time.

Monday, February 27, 2012

that bad

i hate it when people post songs on facebook and it turns out to be crap. i just heard one of those again. my laptop battery was running out and i thought hey why not one last song?

i was anxiously listening to the song and worrying that my battery would die, trying to figure out just what was good about the song, waiting and waiting for the turning point, but no, it remained a piece of shit.

yeah i know music tastes differ and all that, but that doesn't mean that the song you posted was crap. totally no redeeming factors at all.

it was so bad that i had to immediately watch this warpaint video to soothe my bleeding ears.

it was so bad that i had to blog about it.

Friday, February 24, 2012

the stuff of nightmares

2 nights ago i was watching tv, just chilling out and waiting for my brain to shut down before i went to bed. i switched to mtv and saw there was 'mtv rock,' and this guy was on the screen.

he looked rather freaky and psycho-killer-ish but i was like yeah whatever let's just watch this, the song sounds pretty relaxing anyway. at first i wasn't really paying attention to anything and just trying to figure out who the hell is this guy.

it looked like some sort of old metal band, so i was running though the list of all the old metal bands i knew... judas priest, black sabbath, didn't seem to be any one of them.

then as i was staring at the tv, it suddenly dawned upon me... oh god, what in the fuck am i watching? the imagery was trippy as hell and just so completely fucked up.

it just feels like a nightmare and i was seriously getting worried that i would have a nightmare of it later, but i just couldn't turn it off because i needed to find out who the heck were they.

i couldn't really hear the song because the volume was low
so i sat there and watched this freaky dude and the nighmarish video for what seemed like forever.

after a night's sleep filled with dreams that were thankfully not related to the video, i searched for it online and found it was only 6mins long?! considering i probably missed the first minute, it still felt like one of those 10 minute epics that these old rock bands love to do.

i didn't dare to watch it but earlier today i finally gave in to the temptation. still, i only dared to listen to it, and i figured since i didn't really hear it that night, it shouldn't be that bad.

i was so wrong. i had a headache and felt like vomiting. i closed it midway through. watch at your own risk.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

the golden age

if you haven't watched midnight in paris, then you should consider doing so. when i first watched it, i had absolutely no idea what the film was about and had never even heard of it. in fact, i watched it because i really had nothing else to do.

as it turns out, i really liked the movie. it's such a lovely and relaxing film, easy to enjoy and not too much shit going on in it. just watch and imagine all the possibilities.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

1973? 73kg? $73?

last week i was sitting at a bus stop when i decided that this blog has been too dead for too long, and that i should actively take some steps in improving my creativity or at least think of topics to write about.

i figured it would be good to start recording down ideas as they come, because oftentimes such wonderful thoughts just pop up in my mind out of nowhere, and in such perfect composition. when the time comes for me to get it down though, everything seems like such a garbled mess compared to the perfection that came in that fleeting moment.

so anyway today i looked through my phone and found out that i had recorded something that day, a little idea of something to write about. what i had recorded was just '73.' wtf was that supposed to mean?

i searched my memory but nothing. all i could remember was that when i was typing this 73 into my phone, i had briefly considered making a little footnote or short description to help in my writing, but out of laziness and overestimation of my abilities, decided that it wasn't necessary.

so now all i'm left with is this mysterious number and this silly blog post. well at least something came out of it.

Thursday, February 09, 2012


for the past year or so, the back of my heels have been in pain whenever i run or play soccer. i don't know what's wrong with it and i haven't really bothered about it since it only hurts but doesn't really affect my mobility.

it really hurts like a bitch though. there was once i was lying in bed after running and i accidentally hit my heels against each other. i lay there paralysed by the pain for a good minute or two before i could move my legs again.

so after some time i figured i could probably convert to some exercise that's not so damaging to my body. swimming? nah too yucky and troublesome. which left me with... cycling. only problem was, i didn't own a bicycle.

previously i've always thought that there was no way i'd choose to cycle when i already had my vespa. every time i zoomed by some poor cyclist struggling by the side of the road, i'd think to myself engine is always better than legs. why suffer when i could just twist the throttle?

but after i planted this bicycle idea in my head, i started to see some tiny windows where cycling didn't seem to be such a bad thing after all... like some days i'd wake up bright and early (rare days) and the weather's so nice that it makes me feel like going out.

and then i'll think, go out and do what? ride my vespa? bleah. jog? it's too tiring. walk? walk to where? and at that point i'll be wishing i had a bicycle. it's fun enough, not tiring, and it's an activity in itself such that i can just cycle and not have to think cycle where?

on sunday 2 weeks ago i finally bit the bullet and got myself a bicycle. just a plain one, nothing fancy, and possibly even a little shitty. i didn't know much (or anything at all) and just bought what was relatively cheap and available. my idea was it'll be fine as long as it worked.

now after a week of cycling, i've started to spot all these annoying problems with it. of course it doesn't help that i've been reading a lot about bicycles online and i can now identify possibly every single fault and deficiency in my bicycle.

and also i've been looking at all these pictures of beautiful bicycles and when i look at mine... combined with all its problems... damn i hope this doesn't get too expensive.