
Wednesday, April 29, 2015


i used to think of love in a very defined nature, and this sometimes lead me to question the ways in which people fall in love.

are they really in love? this guy and this girl, why are they even together? it can't possibly be love.

something in me changed in the past year. i finally understood that love was less of an equation and more of a feeling.

as long as you feel love, then that's all there is to it.

Saturday, April 18, 2015


i just left my job yesterday and i thought i would have some time where i could just forget everything and not have to use my brain at all.

but unfortunately i received a job offer and i have to make a decision by tomorrow. BUT I DON'T WANT TO USE MY BRAIN.

anyway everything is great with this job offer and most people would accept it but i suspect i won't get to see daylight once i join, and long working hours is one of the things that i'm strongly against.

if i really followed by heart, i wouldn't even be considering all these jobs i'm looking at now, because i still believe that work is just a waste of time and the best job is one which is the most value-for-money in terms of output vs returns.

i have no wish to climbing anywhere in the corporate world but for practical reasons i still have to do some climbing while i figure out a way to never have to work again.

Tuesday, April 07, 2015


yesterday i was looking at shoes and there were 2 teenaged girls there too.

i overheard one of the girls say to her friend: "can you bring this home for me first? because parents."

i was waiting for her to complete her sentence and then i realised to my horror that i had heard tumblr-speak for the first time in real life!

what in the fuck???

i could feel a spasm resonating from the back of my head where my neck and skull met.

it was the same feeling i had many moons back when i heard my classmates say "must as well."

oh god i feel it again.