
Wednesday, September 30, 2009


in this day and age, i really do get confused as to what a bf/gf status really mean. does it happen when you like someone? or when you're in love (what’s this word worth anyway?)? or is there a certain point when it just HAS to happen? what do you guys think?

i think that it was meant to be a special thing, but that kinda got diluted by modern standards. after all, we're living in a time where people are getting into relationships here and there, perhaps even several at the same time.

i know guys who have girlfriends and get don't give a second thought of fucking other girls. i know girls who lie endlessly to their boyfriends and then try to blame everything on the guys when things go wrong. obviously it applies both ways.

is there a point in this? having a boy/girlfriend is clearly not worth a shit. so if it's not that, then what do we have here? why do people still place such great emphasis on this? is it just a mere formality, to serve as a notice to family and friends of their joyful union (that may only last a week or two)? or is it a booking of this person, a hands-off label to potential suitors?

i may be silly, but i do think that a relationship is so much more than just having a status. and in a sense it is perhaps even better to NOT have any, since it always seems to create more conflict and division than anything else.

couples should only be bound by their feelings and loyalty, and this status will serve as an unnecessary psychological barrier, such that they will try to stretch their relationship beyond breaking point just for the sake of 'us'. in the end they'll destroy each other in trying to be together when they would've been better-off being alone.

how many couples do you know of who are clearly unloving, fighting all the time and yet maintain this status? if it wasn't there, they'd just go their separate ways and be happier.

i don't know where it came from, but i have this notion that when a relationship attains this bf/gf status, it no longer belongs to just the couple but instead enters into the public domain. in announcing their union, it officially becomes Everyone's business and this can never be a good thing.

a relationship should only belong to the two involved, and when everyone wants a piece of it, there won't be enough to go around. sure, you can say that it will not affect you, but it WILL, and there's no way around that. there will be a time when they're only staying together for the public eye and that's when they'll die.

we should only be bound by feelings and loyalty. if one party thinks that there's nothing left and it's time to leave, then go ahead. there's nothing holding them back and that's the way it should be.

obviously my ideologies have turned right around and bit me in the ass, but i still truly believe in this. there's no point in carrying on if anyone is unhappy.

29/09/09, 12.11am

Monday, September 28, 2009


a moment ago i was in the shower when an idea suddenly dawned upon me. "maybe, just MAYBE..."

so against my better judgment, i went to check. and i fell flat on my face.

that's what happens when you have too much faith.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


related to the previous post:

when we were at OBS back in april, one day we were sitting in the hall waiting for something to happen. then someone noticed that a stick on the floor was moving, so we took a closer look and HOLY SHIT it's a fucking stick insect.

actually it's not so much of HOLY SHIT but just very strange to see such a creature. someone probably stepped or sat on it before we saw it, cos the body was broken like a twig and it was dying.

but seriously it looked exactly like a twig, even down to the body and leg joints. it's so strange as to how they managed to evolve and replicate their surroundings to such accuracy.

i think god was bored one day and decided to make random things come alive.

Friday, September 25, 2009

just good to know

i think it was a last week in the office when i read a book about insects, kinda like a little encyclopedia of insect species. yes i do that in the office. i was amazed and surprised at just how specialised insects are at surviving in their own habitats. the smaller the ecosystem, the more specialised they were.

my favourite of all was the pubic lice. they live in people's pubic hair or beards (i always knew beards were filthy) all their lives, only transferring to another people through close contact aka sexing. otherwise they will probably spend their entire lives in someone's bush.

having to survive in such a tiny habitat, they sure know how to do it well. their legs have been evolved such that the legs on each side of their body can wrap around a strand of hair. imagine hugging a tree with your right arm and leg, and hanging on while there's an earthquake.

that's how they live, and they do it so well. and i forgot why i wanted to tell you all these.

Monday, September 21, 2009


i guess one of the perks (if you could call it that) of possibly dying the next time i go for a ride is that no problem is too big when you're dead.

you gotta learn to go with the flow, nothing can faze me because what can be bigger than dying in a crash?

it's only a problem until the next time i get on my seat and kickstart my bike. who wants to go for a ride?

made it easy

today i woke up bright and early... and felt thankful that i didn't waste a second more.

i realised that this white dream is not even one-tenth of what i thought it was.

but as i've said... at least i've still got something left.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


"don't tell me we are going nowhere, was there any place to go to begin with?"
- track 1

Thursday, September 17, 2009

happy birthday

my cat is 3 years old today, and still every bit as crazy as when it first came here. i guess that's just about another 12 more years to live with this crazy animal.

sometimes i wonder what it thinks about living with us. maybe he's so bored and sick of us that he pretends to be crazy for some self-entertainment.

Monday, September 14, 2009

hot hot heat

do any of you ever get bored living in this place without seasons? all we have here is hot and humid or rainy and humid (afterwhich becomes hot and humid again).

yesterday i was reading a book about bonsai planting, and i found out that in temperate regions, the leaves of these tiny bonsai plants actually change according to the seasons outside, which is quite amazing because i never really thought about that before.

maybe it's just me being silly, but i feel that the seasons make life more interesting and insert a bit of change, rather than muddling about in the same thing everyday, every year. i know that the changing seasons bring about a whole lot of headache and problems, but that's part of the fun, isn't it?

i'll probably think differently when i'm freezing my ass off in sub-zero temperatures, but not now.

wisdom of the wisdom

i extracted the 2 wisdom teeth on my left side early this year, and it was a major irritant for more than 2 weeks. now i can feel the one on the top right coming out too. the baby's probably due in a month's time or so.

dealing with wisdom teeth is like dealing with problems in life. like right now i know that it's gonna cause me some trouble, and i can choose to remove it immediately before it erupts and starts to hurt. it will be painful, but at least i can avoid all the trouble and additional pain.

but no, i'm just gonna wait for the problem to be right there in my face (literally lol) before i do anything. i guess that's just how i deal with things, i prefer to be absolutely sure that it's a problem before i act.

and of course there are some special people who simply choose to let it rot and fester, and cause some huge complications before they go for removal and extra surgery. maybe they just like it that way.

yea so anyway expect to see me with a swollen face sometime soon.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

oh don't worry,

riding is not relaxing. it is fun, yes, but not relaxing. i NEVER relax on the road even if i want to. every single second i'm looking out for the next fucker who is gonna pose a threat to my life. it could be anyone, it could even be myself.

riding is a calculated risk. it's the value of time vs timeless, or so to speak. because i can either save some time (a lot, actually) riding my bike rather than taking public, but at the same time i could die and erm, wonder if that's worth it.

actually each time before i ride i wonder if that is the last time i'll be riding or alive. it could be my last, realistically. blah blah. some could say that you could die walking across a road. it's true, but normally you don't walk across a road at 90kmph.

it's a risk. i don't like to talk about this usually, but it's a fact. like when i was banged by that lorry, things could have easily turned out very badly for me. i didn't do anything wrong that day. i wasn't even doing anything!

that's just how vulnerable i am, and it doesn't help that i've come to see how meaningless motorcyclists are in the eyes of some drivers.

today could be my last. will you be there?

Sunday, September 06, 2009

360 degrees of doom

you've most likely seen the facebook group 'i want to punch slow-walking people in the back of the head' at some point of your online existance.

i 'm not part of the group but i probably want to punch slow-walking people more than anyone else in there. seriously i get so damn agitated when i'm trapped behind such idiots.

i'm alright with it if the place is truly crowded to the point where it is impossible to walk at a normal pace, but what pisses me off the most is when there is space but every fucker around me is walking as though their legs are... fuck, as though they don't have legs.

or better still if a tiny group of people (usually 3) decide that it's a good idea to walk side by side on a path or in shopping centres, effectively blocking the whole damn walkway. fuckers.

there are also some special people who love to stop immediately after getting off from escalators because their tiny brains cannot process whether they should turn right or left.

it's so bad that they cannot even take a few steps forward so that poor souls (me) can escape from the deadly trap consisting of the on-coming people from the escalator behind, the escalator handrails on the sides, and their immense stupidity in front.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

lesson 01

this is probably the saddest criminal in the history of singapore. this stupid-ass photo has been used everywhere. fuck, this man stole watches worth millions! at least give him some respect and use a nicer photo.

this is a lesson to all you cam whore idiots. you'll never know where your photos end up.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

just saying

you should never put too much faith in others, because when they let you down (and they will), you'll have nothing left nothing left nothing left nothing left.