
Monday, January 31, 2005

short shorts and such

had a little argument of sorts with someone some days ago. we were at a hawker centre and a girl/woman/female walked by wearing a rather short skirt. it wasn't the shortest i've seen, but was aparrently enough to draw the attention of that person i was with.

anyway, he was trying to look up her skirt as she sat down and then went on to discuss how he would be able to achieve his aim.

being an extremely thoughtful person, i told him that it wasn't right to look up the skirts of girls. however, he was extremely disagreeable and said that i was not mature enough or something.

his mother must be very sad when she finds out what a retard her son has turned out to be after raising him for a full 18 years.

i didn't bother to continue the argument because
1) i knew i was right
2) we were eating
3) he was too busy bending over trying to complete his goal.

besides, it was hard giving examples to him, since i think he'd probably not mind if a girl tried to look up his pants for a change.

on another day, i was at a mcdonald's somewhere when a girl came by. she was wearing short shorts that somehow didn't look that short. i've learnt that looks can be decieving when i saw her butt cheeks as she was standing at the counter trying to order some food.

now, i'm no pervert. i was seated and did not in any way try to sneak a peek at her. her shorts were just that fucking short. i really wonder how she manages to step out of her house wearing that shit. won't her ass feel cold? the sight wasn't as great as you would imagine, since she has a black ass. she was probably just tanned a wee bit too much.

Saturday, January 22, 2005


went to ngee ann poly on wednesday. i think it was wednesday. anyway, i've emerged from that place a traumatised boy. first of all, it was one weird place. the people were generally a weird bunch. basically, everything was weird. maybe it's just me. i dunno. maybe everyone else is normal except me. maybe i'm weird.

nah, point rejected. i'm normal, and (almost) everyone there were weird. the people there were mostly classified into 2 groups, the trying-to-be-cool, or the not-cool-at-all. perhaps there were some that were actually normal.

the trying-to-be-cool guys were walking around in pants that were sliding off their asses, which i have a huge problem with. how the hell do they manage to walk in peace without worrying that their pants would fall off to reveal their white little asses to the world and then suffer the humiliation of having large numbers of people seeing their not too impressive ass?

most of them were walking around campus with a stoned look on their faces, which i would either attribute to either smoking too much pot, or they think it's cool. since pot is not exactly readily available here, and using it brings 10 years behind bars with the prospect of getting ass-raped daily, it probably wasn't the real cause. so they thought it was cool.

anyway, me and my cousin were having fun trying to blend in, and so we too adopted the too-stoned-to-bother-cause-i'm-too-cool look. i only managed it for 15 seconds before i began to laugh.

the trying-to be-cool girls also seemed to have a problem with their clothing. most of them were wearing skirts that threatened to expose their asses whenever they bent over. however, i did not have any problems with this at all. i suppose that it was cool to show off your ass if you were a girl. i think these kind of skirts are called micro-minis or something. i shall not discriminate against such girls since some of them may not be sluts but are actually be too poor to buy new clothes and are still wearing the skirts (and shirts) they had when they were 7.

it was really quite traumatising to see girls left and right wearing tiny skirts and shirts. not too bad, you might think. yeah, not bad if they were actually pretty and/or didn't have rolls of fats on show. it was so bad that i can hardly even see now.

i also saw a girl who wore a translucent (or was it really transparent?) top with a tube inside. to my horror, she was ugly. ugly and slutty don't mix well with me, so i set fire to her shirt. her boyfriend had a problem with me so i burned him too.

the not-cool-at-all people were just being not cool, wearing sandals to school definitely isin't something many would do. or wearing shirts that aren't ironed. whatever. at least they weren't carrying stoned faces.

the 'open house' was really dumb as well. i was expecting them to show things like information on the courses and such. instead, they had some sort of pasar malam, selling fake adidas shoes, shirts that only people with half a brain would buy and things like that. if i was kind, i would call it a carnival. unfortunately i'm not. they also had handphones, mp3 players, computer mice and crap like that on sale. what the fuck? there was even a counterstrike 'tournament' there, as well as xbox and playstation games.

however, i was only in one tiny part of the seemingly huge campus and really didn't bother to visit the remaining places because it was a fucking waste of my time. i suppose there was actually some useful information hidden in some dusty corner, awaiting its first visitor.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


what the fuck is f**k? people who use f**k on a regular basis are assholes. actually they're not assholes. they're f**king assholes.

fuck and it's censored cousin are no different. cutting away the uc doesn't make the word any less evil. censoring the 'uc' will not make pure and innocent little kids seeing f**k for the first time think it's any less vulgar than the full blown FUCK. it's just plain stupid. stupid to the largest extent.

like when you're chatting with someone online, and that person doesn't like vulgarities, and you say 'f**k' instead. how very kind of you, but really, there's no point in that. when you read 'fuck', it's fuck. when you read 'f**k', it's still fuck. no one pronounces f**k as f-star-star-k or anything else for that matter.

so why bother? if you spit on someone, you'll be beaten up, regardless of the colour or quantity of the saliva. you will not get a lesser bashing if your saliva is not green and lumpy. don't believe me? go try it.

some may think that 'f**k' would make them more innocent, less evil, whatever. it's like "whoo, i'm so innocent that i don't even know how to spell fuck. i only know f**k!" but no, it is not. fuck all who say f**k.

besides, 'f**k' looks incredibly stupid. imagine me typing in entirely censored language. every one of the few readers here will die of brain haemorrhage. "f**k that f**king f**ker tried to f**k me in the a**!" whoa. it's almost as bad as "fUcK tHaT fUcKiNg FuCkEr TrIeD tO fUcK mE iN tHe AsS!" really, no kidding. typing LiKe ThIs almost gave me a cramped little finger from repeatedly pushing the shift button. wonder how people manage entire posts typing like that...

so guys, go tell all your friends and ememies alike not to say f**k, say fuck instead. it's really better. if they do not heed your (my) advice, feel free to ass-rape them. after all, they deserve it.

Monday, January 17, 2005


a quarter of my ticket is now missing.
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it's rather sad how the cup win is now attributed to match-fixing. singaporeans are never happy. the team loses, they are losers. when they finally win, it's due to cheating. bah, i give up.

anyway the match was not as exciting as i would have liked it to be. the damn indonesian players didn't put up the fight that i was expecting them to. and the place was too crowded, with lots of dumb malays doing what they do best: being dumb.

i was seated beside the indonesians, who were sadly outnumbered by us. the dumb malays were happily shouting vulgarities and showing the indons their middle fingers, among other things, possibly trying to provoke a fight. but the indons hardly retaliated. anyway, they were surrounded by police officers, which i think is rather stupid, since that would hardly prevent singaporeans from throwing things at them, but only stop them from throwing things back.

rather unfortunately, this did not happen. i was really dissappointed by the docile nature of the indonesian fans, as they are somewhat famed for their rioting skills back in their homeland. however, they are not entirely to blame as most of them were either businessmen or students, who have been domesticated, or so to speak. a sad ass indon was even seen holding a cardboard sign that looked like this:
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the sign is ridiculous for 2 reasons. 1, they actually wanted peace. PEACE!? peace and indonesians don't fit well together. 2, it looked like a voltorb.

then after recieving taunts throughout the whole match, the final insult came when the singapore fans started waving them goodbye after the match was over and they lost. and guess what? the indons waved back. i'd suppose that they were being sacarstic, but it's still no excuse to wave back.

Friday, January 14, 2005


i've always had a big problem with stupid people. by stupid i'm referring to those that act as if their brains were a lump of shit. act stupid, talk stupid, piss others off with their great lack of intelligence and such. i do not have a problem with 'stupid' people who fail their exams and so on, since i'm also one of them. also, this is not about mentally challenged people, although sometimes stupid people may appear to be mentally challenged.

so now that i've clarified what stupid means to me, i shall continue. people are born with brains, no matter how much some people try to prove otherwise. even if you have been eating shit your whole life, you still have a brain. even fucking brain-dead people have them. brains were made to be used. so if you have a brain that is functioning properly, you have no reason not to use it. that being siad, there are still millions out there who do just the opposite.

the reason i hate stupid people is that they are given a brain but choose not to use it. basically, stupidity is optional, which means that you have a choice to be or not to be. you see a piece of dog shit on the ground, and you think, "hmmm, dog shit. i can either eat it or continue on my way." smart people will ignore it, stupid people may step on it, just for kicks. however, if your choice would be to pop it in your mouth, then you're retarded, and thereby escused.

a few days ago, in a bus, there was this fat little kid. actually he wasn't that young, probably around 11 or so. perhaps because of his fat ass, he didn't have enough space on his own side of the seat, and so decided to prop his left leg up on the chair beside him, even though there was a somewhat shortage of seats on the bus. 2 people behind him, whom i assume to be his brother and his girlfriend, told him to put his leg down, ownly to be scowled at. so mr. fat-ass continued to prop his fat leg on the seat till i got off the bus.

so what in the world is that fat fuck's problem? somehow, i think it's linked to him being fat, as most fat people are living in perpetual sadness, but more on that another day. being fat doesn't entitle you to 2 seats. even if you hate the world for despising you for being a fat ass, it's still not a reason to prop your leg up on another seat. fuck, if i was his parent i would have slapped his fat face till the fats are in a never-ending jiggle and oil seeps out of his skin.

and i'm reminded of another similar incident i saw while going to school one day. there was this chinese ah beng, complete with long golden hair, sitting on the outside of the pair of seats at the front of the bus which face each other. he was happily sitting with both his feet on the chair in front of him, thus blocking anyone from sitting on the inner seats or the one in front of him. and the bus was resonably crowded, since it was the morning rush hour.

an old man of about 55 was seated on the other set of seats beside the fucktard. as the bus got more crowded, the fucktard was still happily seated with his legs up. suddenly the old man got up and walked towards the fucktard, banged through his legs and sat on the inner seat, facing him. surprisingly, neither of them said anything.

stupidity pisses me off, no doubt. but i shall not be pissed off by stupid behaviour from now on. stupid people are already leading sad lives, and i should do all i can to make them feel happy rather than discriminate against them. even though they choose not to use their brains, they are still humans after all. i've successfully reached nirvana after meditating under my christmas tree for 2 months. i'm no longer bothered by trivial matters of the mortal world. bah, i'm stupid, please don't hate me.

go download the darkness - christmas time (don't let the bells end), even though christmas is already over. whatever.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


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yes, i'm going. 30 minute queue for this. you have to suffer to get free stuff.

and this.
three youths have been charged in court with rioting after a singapore-myanmar tiger cup soccer match.

muhammad nur yusof, muhammad raini adil and abdul qayum mohamed subi were charged on monday.

the 16-year-olds were alleged to have assaulted a 22-year-old myanmar soccer fan, yan lin maung, outside the national stadium after the match on january 2.

if convicted, the three can be jailed up to five years and caned.

police say efforts are underway to arrest other youths involved in the assault.

HAHAHAHA. stupid losers. hope they get their nice little asses raped in prison.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

the art of drowning

oh great, the last post worked. more photos.

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my current favourite cd.

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check out the beautiful artwork...
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i'm slow. just somewhat realised that the digicam is actually useful.

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that's my hand. great. if you're blind, too bad.

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as you can see, many people who have foot fetishes are furiously jacking off in front of their computers now. my feet are white because they're not exposed to sunlight. how tragic. i've just taken another look at my feet and realised that they're not as white as they seem to be in the picture.

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the root of all this evil, posing beside my mouse. think it costed more than $700.

now i'm gonna post this and hope it doesn't fuck up on me.

great, it DID fuck up on me. if you didn't know, these are all clickable thumbnails.

Monday, January 10, 2005


i was supposed to write about stupid skinheads, but decided not to bother. anyway, watched bits of the tsunami memorial service or something yesterday, and decided that it was one whole pointless load of crap. or maybe not, since my point of view is EXTREMELY biased as i only saw the praying part.

anyway, saw my ex-principal praying on behalf of the christian community. he said something like 'please be reminded that the victims are now happy in heaven with god' or something to that extent. but the thing is, if god is so great and all-loving, why did he kill them in the first place? to make them happy and enjoy their 'life' in heaven? and if he was so great and all-loving, why didn't he allow them to enjoy their life on earth longer before giving them a painless and natural death? being drowned sure as hell isin't painless.

back on point, saw some other crap on news on how the memorial was supposed to help the family members. the guy said something like 'it'll help them if they know that there are many others who understand how they are feeling, and they'll know that they're not alone in this.' but are they retarded or something? do they even read the fucking news? i would believe that the current death toll is around 150,000 people. imagine that each of these victims have 3 family members who did not die. then there would be a grand total of 150,000 x 3 = 450,000 grieving relatives, some who still do not have a home or food or water, or worse, still searching for the bodies of their family members. with 450,000 others, you're definitely not alone.

so then, wouldn't it help that every single family who has lost loved ones for whatever reason to have their own mass-grieving session as well? then it'll definitely help in their recovery process to know that many others care for them, wouldn't it? not as if their whole family perished and he/she/it was the only one remaining with no friends and no relatives, thus having to resort to holding a memorial service so that they'll know that people care for them.

they died, big deal. every day many people die as well. die die die, no one cares. but when you get killed by a tsunami, everyone cares. i don't know what i'm talking about. i feel evil. i shall stop.

bah, now everyone is like 'whooo my new school is great blah blah.' i think it's a whole bunch of shit. how come they didn't say school was great back when they were in secondary school? not many realise that it's just fucking orientation they're going through. if i were to go to 'school' and play games with hot chicks everyday then obviously school's great. when the lessons start then they'll start to cry.

Friday, January 07, 2005


why in the world is there a t in front of 'tsunami'? causes confusion among the masses as to whether or not to pronounce the t. of course, i know that it's supposed to be a silent t, but not many are as smart as me.

like mr. bok who pronounces it as taisumi, no silent t. yes, taisumi. then he got smarter and said taisunami. no silent t again. and he said it at the stadium during the singapore - myanmar match. loudly. actually he shouted it out. after we did the kallang wave, he shouted taisunami wave. many people laughed at him but he didn't know why, since we, his dear friends, did not tell him that his pronounciation was wrong.

since it's a silent t, why even bother putting it in? maybe i should call myself tryan, with a silent t. makes me cool. oh, but i already am...

by the way, the match was great, but the fighting was better. i was really wishing that it would escalate into a full riot, but unfortunately, no such luck as singaporeans are pussies. now let me tell you the story of what i saw in the stadium, or more like what i think caused the fights.

after singapore scored the goal, 2 sad-ass myanmar fans somehow found themselves in the singapore-dominant section of the stadium, which just happened to be in front of me. random fans then started throwing random stuff like cups and cans at them. then there was a malay teen who 'threatened' to throw his cup while moving closer to the 2 guys, probably for a better shot. one of the sad-asses challenged the malay guy, telling him something like 'come here if you dare' by waving his hands at him.

of course, being a malay 'punk', who are only brave when they have strength in numbers, the guy did not dare approach sad-ass. however, there was another malay dude in a camo jacket standing rather innocently beside sad-asses. being extremely pissed and frightened, sad-asses tried to make a hasty escape, only to bump into camo jacket wearing guy. somehow, in all his fright, sad-ass took offence in this bump and challenged camo to a fight, resulting in them pushing each other. seeing this, fellow singaporeans moved forward in waves to catch the action, since we are all busy-bodies, me included.

sad-ass again saw this as a threat and signalled for help from his fellow country-men who were sitting not too far away, and all of a sudden, the myanmarese too started moving over to rescue their compatriot. unfortunately for them, sad-asses were stuck in the middle of the singapore section and thus they had to push through quite a large mass of singaporeans to reach them. after all the pushing and shoving, neither sides managed to gain any ground and so started to throw things at each other. security forces soon arrived to bring calm and the aforementioned sad-asses finally ran away.

unfortunately for me, the main action was on the other side of the myanmar-singapore section, where there were flying dustbins, umbrellas and shoes. for the confused, the seating arrangement as seen from the grandstand is as such: singapore [me], myanmar, [main action], singapore, with the main action going on at the second singapore and myanmar section while i was seated in the first section.

there were also other random skirmishes outside the stadium with a myanmar fan getting beaten up by a group of skinheads as reported in the news, but not witnessed by me. by the way, i do not condone the skinheads beating up said myanmarese, for i believe that skinheads are losers who find bravery in numbers, just like most malay 'punks', but more on that on monday.

anyway, i promised that i would blog 'the next day' on monday. and it's friday. i'm a lying bastard, kill me. but i wasn't at home on tuesday and wednesday, and my cousin was here on thursday, so it's not really my fault. really.

Monday, January 03, 2005


i think that 2005 sucks. it just sounds funny. have a bad feeling it's just me. maybe soon 2005 will be the new 2004 and 2006 will sound funny. oh fuck this. more tomorrow. hopefully.

thought it would be nice to have an update after so damn long. too damn long. and also my first entry of the fucking new year. even if it's gonna be this short. yes, this short. bye.