popcorn and bullshit
exams start in 2 weeks. something doesn't smell right.
my industrial attachment is at golden village at marina square. i'm gonna gain lots of useful knowledge selling popcorn.
come visit me and i'll give you some free popcorn. i'll promise not to spit in it.
maybe we can engage in some kinky activities in the staff room. for girls only.
i saw a little girl in my house. she is happily playing with my laptop.

now playing
not even jail - interpol
it doesn't work that way
it has been ingrained into human sub-consciousness that men are meant to be leaders, problem-solvers, geniuses, heroes, and all sorts of good things. it has been hammered into us from a young age, from cartoons to movies, spiderman, james bond, batman, superman, it’s all over the place.
men are supposed to save the day, no matter what. of course, there’s wonderwoman, but no one really takes her seriously. and as guys, we want to take problems into our own hands. we want to fix things, help every possible person who needs help. we want to be important, just like our favourite superheroes.
and we are expected to do so. the alpha male is a desirable object.
the sad part is, superheroes are called ‘super’ for a reason, and we aren’t really super, despite what many would like to believe.
no one taught us to fight like batman, and there aren’t any radioactive spiders to bite us either. and too bad most of us didn’t manage to grab some mutant genes before we popped out of a smelly hole.
we are normal. so maybe everyone shouldn’t put so much pressure on the men to come up with great things because no one taught us how to. guys should stop trying to save the day all the time, and girls should stop expecting us to do so as well.
the world would be a better place.
now playing
my hatred - trivium
coping with loss
last saturday, my classmate told me he saw the cute x20,000 girl holding hands with a butch at orchard. this news made me quite a bit sad and suicidal, since the chances of me marrying her would be quite quite low, considering her 'different' sexual preferences.
i thought maybe i could tell her that i'm actually a lesbian born in a man's body, and i promptly realised that i don't really know her, which then made me sad and suicidal again.
i finally accepted this loss after the 20th cut on my wrists. "so what if i can't marry her? i'm sure that there would be a cute x20,001 girl somewhere around, waiting for me," i thought. so i bandaged up my wrists and thanked god that didn't die, and got on with my life.
then a few days ago, i was sitting in the canteen when he told me that he saw the cute x20,000 girl. i took a look and realised that SHE'S NOT THE SAME GIRL. that girl was cute x-20,000.
so in conclusion, i am very happy because i can still marry her. but i realised that i slitted my wrists for nothing, and this made me very sad and suicidal, which then made me slit my wrists again.
now playing
just like heaven (the cure cover) - gatsby's american dream
sweet dreams are made of these
i once read somewhere that stress will not kill you. anxiety is the killer. it shortens your life and makes your balls shrink. farmers suffer lots of stress, but they don't get anxious; city-dwellers suffer lots of stress AND anxiety. that's what makes us such sad people.
i often get anxious too, especially when the exams are near, as unbelievable as it may sound. most of the time, it's subconscious. i know i'm getting anxious when i start getting recurring bad dreams, usually related with school activity.
1. i wake up to realise that i'm late for a major exam.
2. i go to school and realise that i'm supposed to be sitting for a major exam.
3. i take an exam and realise that i'm half-naked.
4. i'm in a shopping centre and realise that i'm half-naked.
then i'll get very worried, and then wake up to realise that it's all only a dream.
i'd much rather dream of having sex with hot chicks.
5 songs to listen to when you're feeling sad so that you can become sadder:
just like heaven - the cure
haligh, haligh, a lie, haligh - bright eyes
early sunsets over monroeville - my chemical romance
sweet marie - the anniversary
on the arrow - afi
honourable mention:
radio - alkaline trio
and my current obsession
at any one point of time, i would most probably be obsessed with something, be it a song, a movie, a person, an object, an activity or anything else for that matter. i don’t know why, it just happens.
i don’t have any problems with it though. it gives me something to think of whenever i get bored. i don’t even need to think of what to think of, it just pops into my mind because i am supposed to be obsessed with it.
the bad thing is, it pops into my head even during times when it’s not supposed to, like when i’m attempting to study and make myself more productive so that i can become a useful member of the society. of course, once it comes up, all studying activities stop, because i’d rather think of meaningless things than useful work.
my current obsession – i saw a cute cute x20,000 girl in school today. she was so cute that i killed a kitten that i was stroking because it couldn’t match her cuteness. the girl was wearing braces, which immediately adds 20 points to her cuteness level. this means that she scored 120 out of 100, which made me fall in love with her for a little while.
just a little while. until now. i thought that it would be nice if i could get married with her, and then i realised that i don’t even know her name, which made me very sad. i thought up a fool-proof plan, which consisted of me going up to her and saying “hello, i love you, won’t you tell me your name?” but unfortunately this didn’t materialise and so i left, my heart shattered into a million pieces.
so i remain broken hearted, at least until something new comes by.
now playing
love will tear us apart (joy division cover) – the cure
Launch of Four Million Smiles Campaign.
"singaporeans are like dogs."
4 million times the hypocrisy, 4 million times the fun. it's the same situation when you see a stranger in your house who you really don't give a fuck about, but you force yourself to smile just for the sake of being polite. the irony is that in the process of being polite, you're being a big fraud.
so let's all smile.
now playing
the perfect girl - the cure
more randoms
1. taxi fares are rising. hooray.
2. anyone noticed the song que sera sera was played at the stadium before a penalty shootout in the world cup? i thought it was very apt. "que sera sera, whatever will be will be, the future's not ours to see, que sera sera."
3. i realised the chances of me managing to get into university is quite slim considering i scored an average gpa of 2.8275 last year, and i quite quite well in my term tests this semester. so i have 3 terms to pull it up to 3.8, how much fun.
4. i went to baybeats last night, and saw some dumb mats getting dragged out of the crowd for 'moshing'. the guards had to carry some of them out, regardless of their kicking and struggling. i'm going back tonight to see more fun stuff.
now playing
when all light dies - trivium
and and and
i have noticed that some people are overly secretive of their past, or events that happened to them, especially those that are deemed to be embarrassing.
they are worried that these events would bring ridicule to them if found out by others. i think that a person's past is nothing to be ashamed of, since things have already occured, just accept it and move on.
everything is fine as long as they can learn from their mistakes. i think it is important to be able to look at yourself in a light of self-irony. laugh at yourself for doing such things in the past, and get over it. makes life a lot easier.
let others judge you if they would like to, it helps you weed out the idiots from your life. and then be happy and have lots of sex.
now playing
the rememberance ballad - atreyu
time flies when you think in terms of world cup
just like that, the world cup is over. it's gonna be another 4-year wait for the next one. i think the world cup really makes time appear to fly.
memories of the last world cup seem so clear, but it was already 4 years ago. did those years really pass that fast? and not too long ago, i watched zidane plant 2 headers past brazil. that was 8 years ago already.
soon, 2010 will be here, and i would be quite a bit old by then. then i'd think "was it really 4 years ago when zidane did that headbutt?"
anyway 4 years of waiting produced quite a bit of an anti-climax. the group stages were fantastic, but once it came to the knock-out stage, teams became more cautious, more boring.
this world cup didn't really produce the BANG i thought it would. there were hardly any stars made this time round. i thought the youngsters would put up a big show, considering that there were many oldies featuring in their final competition.
perhaps the pressure on them was too great, and nothing much came out. no messi, no rooney, no fabregas. sadz. even the oldies failed to shine. no gerrard, no ronaldinho, no henry. sadz x2.
i think the best shows were made by the retirees. zidane, figo, cannavaro, all wanted end it with style. of course, zidane won it with his headbutt.
best match - mexico vs argentina.
best goal - maxi rodriguez
best moment - headbutt
biggest loser - the fake ronaldo (crying, diving, whining, winking)
2nd biggest loser - sven and his son, frank lampard
biggest winner - owen hargreaves
sad case - micheal owen
now playing
just like heaven (the cure cover) - tristan prettyman (who is actually a woman)
stupid shit
there are 3 types of people- leaders, followers, and those that prefer to do nothing. thousands of years of evolution has made it such that the leaders come out with grand plans which are then carried out by the followers. that's the way all great things are made, like sandwiches.
it's the natural order of things and should not be tampered with.
recently, my teacher has been telling us about the new cca points system, which is a requirement to certain universities, she said. she says that universities now look for leaders in the cca. people who stand out, people who organise activities, instead of just a 'normal' person with many cca points.
see, the thing is that this new system is messing with nature. if everyone who gets into university is a leader, then who who who is going to follow? the 20,000 leaders can come out with whatever grand ideas, but there wouldn't be anyone to do the dirty work for them.
another thing about leaders is that they are seldom able to work together with other leaders. so expect a lot of conflict, lots of fun.
they may not realise it, but messing with things like these can lead to even greater problems. since universities would enrol only leaders, it would mean that there would be a shortage of highly educated followers in the country.
so expect singapore in 20 year's time to be quite a bit full of shit. every company would be leader-filled, since they are more educated than followers. and because these 'leaders' are not really the real leaders in the company, they would not be so keen on following orders and such.
so you see, the future is bright.
pay me money, i'm a sissy too
as much as i like football, it is undeniable that the game is being played by a whole bunch of fucking cunts. it gets really irritating to watch a grown man falling over like he was hit in the face with a brick when his opponent only brushed into him.
it is no wonder that the americans, who are so used to watching REAL men playing american football, can't ever take football seriously.
"if god wanted us to play soccer, he wouldn't have given us hands," one of their coaches said.
after watching their hard men take big knocks and still stand to fight, they must be thinking WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with these sissies who fall over at every opportunity, and then whine and groan when a foul is not given.
they KNOW that it wasn't a foul, and yet they whine to no end. and especially for those who know that a decision was right, and yet continue their protests like fucking babies.
what happened to pride and honour? it's all gone down the drain with their $100k-a-week salaries. why bother paying a bunch of babies when you can hire real men to kill them for a fraction of the price?
football is going down the drain and no one is doing anything to stop it. how is the sport going to attract new viewers when they would be more intent on smashing the tv screen with their heads after watching some whiny cunt jump over his opponent and crying about it once every 30 seconds?
i think the only way out is to allow fighting in matches, much like in ice hockey. this way, the real men will prevail and rip the assholes out of those stupid cunts. and then the fans will return and rejoice.
picture this in a match:
christiano ronaldo trips over himself while trying some showy tricks and shouts at the referee to give a foul.
his opponent proceeds to smash his whiny ass to bits.
the end
now playing
the killing lights - afi
wrong place

i came upon this pair of lovers some time ago. they are a pair of guys actually, but who says guys can't be in love?
it was quite a romantic sight, watching them gaze into each other's eyes for over 15 minutes, whispering sweet nothings into their partner's ears.
the idea was there, but unfortunately it was in a completely wrong environment. on a beach, maybe, but not not not in the school library.
i watched as many students gave them amused stares and disapproving shakes of the head, while they were lost in each other's eyes, completely oblivious to their surroundings.
weird people. and i made up the gay bit.
now playing
lost without your love - bread
just like heaven
"show me how you do that trick,
the one that makes me scream," she said,
"the one that makes me laugh," she said,
and threw her arms around my neck.
"show me how you do it, and i promise you,
i promise that i'll run away with you,
i'll run away with you."
spinning on that dizzy edge,
i kissed her face and kissed her head,
and dreamed of all the different ways i had
to make her glow.
"why are you so far away?" she said,
"why won't you ever know that i'm in love with you?
that i'm in love with you?"
you, soft and only.
you, lost and lonely.
you, strange as angels.
dancing in the deepest oceans,
twisting in the water,
you're just like a dream,
just like a dream.
daylight licked me into shape,
i must have been asleep for days.
and moving lips to breathe her name,
i opened up my eyes.
and found myself alone, alone,
alone above a raging sea,
that stole the only girl i loved,
and drowned her deep inside of me.
you, soft and only.
you, lost and lonely.
you, just like heaven.
"he loves her with all his heart, she is too blinded by insecurity to see it and he is too lost in himself to show it." it's a sad, sad situation.
now playing
just like heaven (the cure cover) - gatsby's american dream