
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

bored at 1500

please help

so each day, i have about 7 hours to ponder about the finer details in life, like in what way does the school think that sending me to sell movie tickets really counts as useful working experience.

today was my first full day selling tickets and i racked up a negative $16 difference in the amounts, which fortunately i do not have to pay because i'm still under training.

considering that today is a relatively quiet day, i wonder how it'll be come the weekends, where i'll probably have to work 2 days just to pay off the difference accumulated in a day.

i thought of singing songs to pass time, since it'll take only about 20 songs to pass an hour. the problem is, i get disrupted by customers every 2 verses and i have to start over again, and singing like that ain't fun at all.

my teacher once said, "learn to enjoy the things you do because negative thoughts won't help."

i'm trying to think of something positive, and i'm struggling.

chant with me: selling tickets is good... selling tickets is good...

this shit is killing me slowly and definitely. i complain too much, i can't help it. come visit me and help ease my pain.

now playing
me vs maradona vs elvis - brand new

Monday, August 28, 2006

6 is the magic number

so the exams are over and i've started my wonderous 6-week attachment.

and after the first day, i think it's gonna be a long long 6 weeks.

the one thing i'm really pissed about is how the school is wasting my life away, just as how going to national service is going to severely waste my life away.

there's really not much for me to do after i finish my 7 hour 20 minute work day, except to go home and wait for tomorrow to come, where i'll be going through another 7 hours and 20 minutes.

and 6 days a week = 6 times the fun. i don't understand how some people are able to work full time there. i'd rather rob a bank.

now playing
my iron lung - radiohead

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

happy kuku = happy me

i saw on the news that singapore is trying to increase its birth rate by encouraging people to get married earlier and by encouraging people to give birth more and other related nonsense.

you know, the only thing that can really encourage singaporeans is money. i think the government knows that pretty well, considering their little 'payment' before the general elections managed to encourage many people to vote for the PAP.

it didn't matter that the little 'payment' would go towards paying for all sorts of rising costs.

so you see, singaporeans are quite short-sighted as well. so a few thousand dollar encouragement per baby would do good to our birth rate, nevermind that the overall costs of growing a kid would be a few hundred times that.

and also, poor people (women) can turn into baby-factories to make full use of this little payment.

no money to buy ciggerattes? make a baby.

no money to pay for your transport fares? make a baby.

no money to... ? make a baby.

the guys have no choice but to work.

but i think the best way to increase our birth rate would be to lower the legal age for consensual sex to 13, because 13-year-olds are dumb and they don't know what are condoms, and definitely wouldn't know how to use them.

they probably don't even realise that they're having sex. they just think it's a fun activity and they do it because it brings joy to their kukus and erm the female version of kukus.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

oh noes!!

it's 10:13pm now and i'm still happy, and i still haven't started studying.

girls are bad.

but i'm a creep

i was walking to the bus stop after the exam today, and there was a girl walking in front of me.

i noticed that the girl was quite a bit sexy, and was wondering who it was.

then she turned around and i realised that she's the cute (AND SEXY) x20,000 girl.

one tiny glance at her beautiful face and i nearly died.

i thought of stalking her for a while because i'm a bit psychotic, but decided against it because i was worried i would die if i saw her face again.

so i went home and have been happy since then.

so happy that i'm not even studying for my exam tomorrow because studying would break my train of happy thoughts.

Friday, August 18, 2006

chicks > books

i went to the library to study today, and ended up reading sight unseen for most of my time there. i also took time off my studies to gaze at a cute girl sitting beside me.

it was fun trying to fill in all the blanks in my lecture notes. reminds me of the good old primary school times, where we had 'fill in the blanks' section in english exams.

my exams start tomorrow, ends on friday, and i'll be starting my popcorn popping the following monday, for 6 weeks. nice long holiday i'm gonna have.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


i think it's great when you drown your sorrows in alcohol. it serves as a wonderful distraction, to drink when you're sad.

when you're done drinking, you'd probably be too drunk to even realise why you were drinking in the first place.

but the state of drunkedness is not the only purpose. it is the process of getting drunk which i find the most helpful, because you're actually working towards a goal, and every can of beer is bringing you closer to it, and working towards this goal is what i find to be the best distraction.

besides, while you're not pouring beer down your throat or struggling to find more money for more beer, you can actually reflect on the present happenings that made you so sad, and hopefully come up with a resonable resolution before you black out and forget everything.

the only downside is that drunkedness tends to amplify your current mood, so a happy person would get happier while a sad person would get even sadder. and since you're a sad person, the sadness would sometimes grow to severely large proportions, during which it would be best to just drink up and stop thinking so much.

i haven't had a drop of alcohol since the 22nd of june.
sober > slobber

Monday, August 14, 2006

marked on my calendar

i think it was back in march 2005 when i last had a 'real' haircut.

i got another one today, and i think it's gonna be a real long long time before the next.

i told the woman to "cut a little," and when she was done, it was really "a little."

as in a little of my hair left.


Sunday, August 13, 2006

millionaires don't need more money

"download anything that you can find from us. take it put it where ever you listen to music because music should be free. it should be in your heart. it shouldn't be in your pocket, it shouldn't be in your wallet."
- thursday

Saturday, August 12, 2006

such a tragedy

everytime i read my notes, line after line, i think "i already know this shit."

it's like reading a book for the second time, you know what's gonna happen, and you get bored.

so i get bored and my mind wanders around for a few moments before i grab it in a chokehold and force it back to the present subject.

the sad thing is that i have no problems recollecting the vast amounts of garbage i read daily, blogs, websites, football news, wikipedia, sex stories.

but when it comes to the serious stuff, my mind prefers to take a little nap after all its exertions in processing the abovementioned garbage.

i really should work harder than what i'm currently doing.

fuck me.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

sad case

it's 9.37pm now and no one from my class is online.

i conclude that everyone else is studying except me.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

practical vs theoratical

laveyan satanism

"the laveyan satanist does not generally believe in the judeo-christian-islamic idea of god; the function of god is performed and satisfied by the satanist him/herself. that is, the needs of worship, ritual, and religious/spiritual focus are directed, effectively, inwards towards the satanist, as opposed to outwards, towards god."

the difference between satanism and the other 'good' religions is that the good religions would only function properly is the perfect utopian society, and not this messed up place we live in. satanism on the other hand, focuses more on what there is, rather than what there should be.

a perfect example would be the fourth satanic statement, "satan represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates!" the 'good' religions preach kindness to everyone, regardless on how they repay you. would you feed someone only to give him the energy to stab you? i don't think so.

another example is that satanism teaches "do unto others as they do unto you," as opposed to "do unto others as you would like them to do unto you," because you can't expect others to return the same consideration you have given them.

satanism is practical, others are idealistic.

i'm not a satanist/asking you to be one. don't be stupid.

the eleven satanic rules of the earth

1. do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.

2. do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them.

3. when in another’s lair, show him/her respect or else do not go there.

4. if a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him/her cruelly and without mercy.

5. do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.

6. do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he/she cries out to be relieved.

7. acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. if you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.

8. do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.

9. do not harm little children.

10. do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food.

11. when walking in open territory, bother no one. if someone bothers you, ask him/her to stop. if he/she does not stop, destroy him/her.

now playing
radiant eclipse - a7x

bang, bang

there are only 3 countries that support the israel-lebanon conflict - the usa, britain, and israel.

anyway i was wondering, while israel continues bombing lebanon, they are being bombed in retaliation at the same time, and their own citizens are dying. so they are indirectly destroying their own country, and they seem to be loving every second of it.

perhaps i could understand if the israeli government gives little regard to the lives of lebanese, but to their own citizens? that would be a little bad.

and of course, recently there have been many people wishing for peace. but i think peace is useless if there is still resentment. there has been peace there for quite some time, but the 2 countries were just waiting for an excuse to start attacking again. once the opportunity came, they started to fight.

so you see, peace is useless. the only thing they can do is to continue fighting till they get sick of each other and decide to stop on their own terms. then there would be lesser resentment and so we all get real PEACE.

meanwhile, we can thank the great USA for backing israel in their quest to kill more people, because we all know that they only want the best for everyone.

now playing
unholy confessions - a7x

Monday, August 07, 2006


the difference between smart people and dumb people is that the smart knows when it's time to use proper english.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

i don't smile

my maid's sister works in the next block, and she looks after a little indian-chinese girl. my maid and her sister both like to talk a whole lot, and as a result, the little girl is always in my house.

she's just a little over 2 years old, and all she can say is "eeeee-ooooo-eeeeee" and some other unintelligible sounds.

when i was 2, i could speak quite a bit fluently.

one of my earliest memories i can think of, is that we went to the bird park on my second birthday, and a pelican shat on a fat ang moh tourist.

and i remembered the day when my mother went to the hospital to give birth to my brother, i woke up in the morning and asked my maid where my mother was.

i was a clever boy.

once, my maid was ironing some clothes and she went to pick up the phone. she told me not to touch the iron because it was hot. so i stood there and looked at the iron, and waited. it didn't look hot anymore, so i stuck out my right thumb and pressed it against the metal surface.

that was a fun experience.

i still wonder why she can't speak.

everything and nothing

this weekend would be the third consecutive weekend i've spent staying at home, doing absolutely nothing.

i'm bored.

i planned to study today, then i realised i have no where to start from.


Thursday, August 03, 2006

the yellow straw

ever since secondary 1, i've been aiming for just a pass whenever i study for exams, unless i find the topic insanely easy.

i suppose that since i've been only aiming for a passing grade, that's all that i've gotten.

i think it's time aim high and score high. but i'm afraid i'll fall flat on my face.


now playing
ace of spades - motorhead

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

and then they all died

i think one of the biggest ironies in the world is that religion is supposed to make people good, but instead creates division and conflict.

some people just don't get it. makes me sad.

now playing
how about enough - a vacant affair