"but you tear and tear your hair from roots. from that same head you've twice removed a lock of hair you said would prove our love would never die. well ha ha ha."
haligh, haligh, a lie, haligh - bright eyes
most sappy emo shit pisses me off. shit like dashboard confessional. bright eyes doesn't. i'm still trying to find out why. some people say that bright eyes is an aquired taste, and i would have to agree.
go download that, and the calendar hung itself.
i have to go collect my results soon, wish me luck. i need lots of it. then it'll be time to choose a school to go to. and i still want my holidays.
i just saw a bit of 'the aviator' on the oscars. they got a little kid to play a man, and an ugly hag to play the supposedly beautiful katharine hepburn. from the bit i saw, leonardo dicaprio looked and spoke like a kid while cate blanchett looked and spoke like an old hag, with an extremely big mouth and bright red lipstick. and the damn film is still nominated for an oscar.
"i have my drugs, i have my women, they keep away my loneliness. my parents they have their religion, but sleep in seperate houses."
road to joy - bright eyes
i just got back, and i scored a damn 17 points, minus 2 from cca, which makes it 15. fuck.
gay i am
after reading calmone, i decided that there must be something about jay chou that causes girls and gays alike to go crazy over him. i forced myself to sit through one of his albums. it belongs to my sister. she loves chinese pop, i think it's dumber than watching a bollywood movie.
anyway, i'm sad to say that there were a grand total of zero nice songs on his album.
1) looks
*pic removed*
beady eyes, eternal sulk.
2) singing
i found out that jay chou is famous for his aparrent super-fast rapping. and i do not understand why the fuck singers bother doing that. maybe it would seem impressive if you could spew out 20,000 words per minute on guiness world records, but how would the fans be able to enjoy something that sounds like "ta-ji-ba-bo-ta-ta-ta-ta...?" they're probably thinking "whoo, i have no idea what the fuck this dude is rapping about but he is still cool." most of the time he just seems to be mumbling to himself and his pronounciation sucks.
and his voice can go high enough to beat justin timberlake's ass any day, which is no easy feat considering i thought it was a girl singing "cry me a river" the first time i heard it.
in the looks department, he is in no case handsome and obviously no match for most of the 'pretty boys' out there. even my mother says he is ugly.
i believe no one could ever enjoy listening to someone mumbling or rap so fast that it's impossible to make out the words. when you listen to jay chou, you have nothing else to pay attention to if the singing sucks, unless you consider turn-table scratches interesting.
since there are no good points about jay chou at all, the only thing that could cause large masses of people to love him is his eternal sulk. he's richer than half the world and is still so unhappy. and what is it with being unhappy that makes him so 'cool'? heck, who cares how it works, as long as it's successful. i'm gonna be sad too, then girls will love me.
by the way, this is davey havok, lead singer of afi.

if i were alone and met him on a dark street, i'd run away screaming. he looks like edward scissorhands, and i'm fucking disgusted by that thing/movie.
i've never understood the reason as to why people post lyrics on their bloggies. doesn't matter, i'm gonna do the same thing too, since it's oh-so-cool.
afi - wester
i can feel you waiting for me, as the sun retreats to the hills and i, beneath the blanket of a burning sky, wrap myself within. embraced by dead leaves, as the rain leaves trails of black down my face, i creep through the twilight to that hidden place, beyond the lonely. i'll meet you tonight, in the whispers when no one's around. nothing can stop us now. tonight, in the whispers where we won't be found. i can feel you, dreaming of me and the time when our steps are retraced, and i creep through the twilight to that hidden place, beyond the lonely. i'll meet you. beneath a dream, lost in a dream tonight. smile.
being an extremely kind person, i've taken the trouble of searching for the missing words heard in the background near the end of the song. they are supposed to be "one world away, we were just one world away, in silent rapture let us stay, one world away."
sounds like a love song? aparrently, it's about maple syrup.
i just got a handphone. my sister got one too. i'm 16 and she's 11. greatness. if everyone owns a handphone, then there'd be 6 billion radiation producing sets. scientists only tested mice using radiation from a few phones, at most.
but 6 billion? think the poor rat would immediately sprout another head. so as cell phone use increases, wouldn't the amount of supposably harmful radiation increase greatly as well? and no one knows what it does in the long term, since there are no past records to compare with.
the closest comparism are our parents, who only got radiated for 2 decades at best, while many teenagers start their radiation treatment very early in their life. in 50 years' time, who knows what it's gonna do?
maybe i should mentally prepare myself. "i will not stab my baby if it's born with 2 heads and 4 pairs of testicles..." in a thousand years' time, scientisits will be astounded when they dig up my fossilised remains and see that i have only 1 head and 1 pair of arms and legs, while everyone else has at least 2 heads and 4 legs.
basically that goes for everything else. shit like fast food kills too, but no one has lived long enough to show what a lifetime's worth of extra value meals will do to your body. not yet.
apparently, tom cruise believes in this scientology shit. fortunately nicole kidman had half a brain and didn't follow (and divorced) him. both the 'religion' and the followers are really laughable. think i should write some lil' story of my own as well. then maybe i'll be able to attract legions of fucking rich followers then collect 'funds' from them and turn fucking rich myself too.
full stop
i always hear from women with "full figures" on how society (men) is so stuck up on how a girl should look. you know, the usual shit about girls with stick thin bodies being good and fat girls being ugly, and how people just cannot seem to accept the beauty of a "full figure"?
i say, full figure my ass. they're just fat. and because of that, they get jealous of thin people because they have nicer bodies. normal people are not fat. fat people are fat. ever wondered why there are no obese animals in the wild? because animals aren't supposed to be fat. fat people are fat because they are fucking greedy and eat as much crap as they can, since they think "whoo, i'm gonna die anyway, might as well eat as much as i can now."
let's imagine this. a male tiger is looking for a mate. he sees a fat ass female tiger and a healthy one. he thinks, "whoa! that fat ass is so obese and unhealthy that she'll probably perish with my children if a hunter comes by." so, he decided to pick the thin (and healty) one. since we humans are animals too, we obviously have similar tastes.
of course, being 'intelligent' animals, we are able to develop our own personal tastes as well, which is why some people like having sex with dead bodies, but that's another story altogether. anyway, many fat girls always say that it is only in recent times that society have come to embrace the stick-thin figure. often, they'd use 'yang gui fei', the famously fat concubine of some chinese emperor as an example. it is said that the emperor liked this particular girl so much that he spent more time fucking her than minding the country, resulting in his fall and destruction.
i think anyone who believes this is stupid. so what if the emperor liked a fat chick? as i've said, people are able to develop their own personal tastes. mister emperor had a fetish for fat girls. as simple as that. it doesn't mean that fat girls were well liked in the past.
even IF it were true, it's all in the PAST. times change, and fat is no longer fashionable. in the past, fat girls could well end up in a stew with lamb and garlic. bet they wouldn't like that to happen now, so they'll just have to suck it all up and accept some facts.
another reason why i have a problem with fat people is that they are voluntarily fat. being fat is a chioce, just like stupidity. how many fat people are actually fat because they have some sort of disease? if that's the case, then i have nothing to say. but most people are fat because they choose to be. they eat and eat and eat, then go on and bitch about how society is biased against fat people. then they die of a heart attack after walking 2 steps because their heart got over-worked carrying all that lard around and their arteries are plugged with fats.
if you're fat, then you're fat. you don't have a full figure. accept that. if you have a problem with society's veiws, then make a time machine and go back to a time when fat was in fashion. or you could always take slimming pills. slim10, xando, super-xtreme miricle weight loss pill, the choices are endless. pop a pill and stop bitching.
chinese new year
why do chinese people have their own new year while the rest of the world have to share 1 among themselves? the indians and malays and mohicans must be jealous.
chinese new year is great. i get free money, more free money, 2 days of public holidays. but i always have to meet relatives (specifically my father's side of the family) that i get to see like once a year, then stone silently in a corner because there is no one to talk to since everyone else are like strangers to me.
my mother said i did not know how to socialise, but that's not true. these people are strangers, and just because i'm related to them doesn't mean that they are any less of a stranger. it's like asking me to talk to a bangla worker just because i happen to be in the same room with him.
there were 3 'gatherings' which i went to, and i didn't eat in any of them. i thus gained a lot of attention because of that, and also because my hair was rather long. anyway, i didn't eat because the food didn't seem all that great, and about 30 people were eating together. like a typical chinese meal, there were no serving utensils, and having the saliva of close to 30 people mixed in my food isin't exactly appetising . it's like having sex with a girl who had just fucked 30 other men. not too great.
let's move away from that chinese new year shit. i haven't learnt much from school, but i did learn to write a proper argumentitive essay from humanities class, something which i believe everyone else knows how to. every one except fat fuck.
for example, if the question asks you to explain how hitler came to power in germany, you're expected to give your opinion, followed by reasons and explanations. however, fat fuck's answer would be something like "hitler came to power because he had a large penis. if you don't believe me, there is nothing i can do," followed by a shrug of his shoulders. great argumentative skills.
pros, chicks and hooks
prostitutes, chickens and hookers. the official name, chinese name, and the american name. yes. no. i'm talking rubbish.
anyway, fat fuck and i went to geylang last friday to see prostitutes. geylang is singapore's official red-light district, in case you didn't know. we were there only to have a look at the quality of the hookers here, and were in no way trying to get serviced. yes, purely innocent intentions.
and i wasn't disappointed. as i've expected, they were disgusting. ugly, fat, saggy, disease-filled hookers. most of them were probably from china, faces caked with makeup to disguise any defects, not that it helped much, wearing garish clothes in order to allow themselves to be identified.
identification was probably the most important thing for them, since it would be a waste of time to stand in a corner wating for customers while people just walked by, not realising that she's a hooker. and they did do a great job in this aspect. the first one i saw was accosting a bangla. she wore a GOLD dress. and was basically what i've mentioned earlier; fat, ugly, saggy, from china, basically nothing surprising.
we walked from lorong 44 to lorong 1, and on the way, i saw maybe 50 odd hookers, and ALL of them looked disgusting. but that's not the point. more importantly, who the hell would want to have sex with them? even if i were 60 and still a virgin, i would still never ever entertain the idea of doing so. why then, are there people who are younger and supposedly cheat on their wives with prostitutes? if i were 30 and need sex, i'd go to a chatroom and be a 'internet sex fiend', not find a prostitute. or at least not one that is fat and ugly.
perhaps there were some that were somewhat nice, working in brothels. those we saw were 'independent' workers. maybe the pimps in the brothels actually bothered to have quality control checks done regularly.
it's not worth selling yourself, but all of these people are. i wonder why. jobs are not exactly hard to find in china, since they are supposed to be industrailising and so on. even a job paying 2rmb per hour is better then being a prostitute. nah, it's all about the money.
when i watch television interviews with hookers, they all say that. either that or they'll try to act noble and say they need to pay for their parent's medical fees or their children's education. the thing is, they are fucking stupid. i'd kill my daughter if she ever did something like that. i would not hug her and cry for her noble act. never. and i don't think their children would be grateful to them for paying for their education through prostitution.
but since they are already so poor, why even try to have children in the first place? or are they too damn poor to afford condoms? that's still no excuse, since people in the past used sheep's intestines as condoms, and i think that intestines aren't really that expensive.
if you have no money, kill yourself. don't be a prostitute. if you need money for your parents' medical bill, kill your parents. they are going to die soon anyway. if you need money for your children's education, sell your kids. they're just a fucking waste of money. and you'll get money from their sale as well. human intestines could also be used as condoms, so cut out your dead parents' intestines and use them to prevent having to resort to selling any more kids.
songs part 2
go download these songs. now. have faith in my tastes. screw anti-piracy fuckheads. go see the original from way back in september 14.
obviously more afi.
afi - 6 to 8, a winter's tale, exsanguination, malleus maleficarum, narrative of soul against soul, total immortal
guns n' roses - mr. brownstone
modest mouse - black cadillacs, dramamine, float on, ocean breathes salty, paper thin walls, the world at large
pop when it didn't suck.
the beatles - eleanor rigby, hey bulldog, lucy in the sky with diamonds, yellow submarine
the strokes - what ever happened?, 12:51
my father is coming home today, so expect even lesser blogging from me. don't cry, you can always read my archives. or not.
random ramblings
on saturday, we were at west coast park. there were some guys smuggling corals from the sea on a boat through the canal, and into a van. not a big problem. then one of them told my friend to go away when we stopped by to have a look. big problem.
what dumbfucks. first, they are doing something illegal. second, when you're doing something illegal, you don't piss off potential police-informers.
anyway, we debated for a long long time whether or not we should report this to the police. in the end, we did, since we are all great environmentalists. we told them what we saw and also gave them the van's plate number, and mister policeman said that he would send a patrol car over.
guess what? the car took more than 15 minutes to arrive, and by then, the van was gone. actually the van was gone by the time we reported the incident since it wasn't there when we went back to have a look.
what crap. now what am i going to do if some robber comes into my house? no way am i gonna call the police and wait while the fucker ransacks my house, kills me, and then rape my (dead) ass. bah, i'd probably stab him and then go to jail or something.
played pool on sunday, and in the process, broke my vow of never playing pool because only retarded ah bengs play pool. anyway, i wasn't too wrong as the first pool place we were at was largely filled with retards. the retards were fucking smoking in there, making the place smell bad. and there were stupid chinese pop songs playing there.
then we went to a nicer (and more expensive) place where i realised that normal people play pool too. wow. anyway, i wasn't paying so i didn't really mind playing.
my mother bought a new sofa set and dining chairs to replace the old (6 years?) and cat-scratched ones. yeah, i had a cat but it became retarded so i threw it away. i also had a dog but it was also retarded and shit in my room immediately after stepping in my house for the first time. my mother got my maid to give the sweeper $20 to bring it away after many failed atempts to allow it to wander off on its own. think it was probably made into some doggy stew. now my sister has retarded hamsters that copulate at every given opportunity.
the new...
and the old... (note wonderful holes and aforementioned hamsters)